Development Environment / MkDocs

MkDocs is a Python add-on package that creates static website content from Markdown input. See the installation instructions on the MkDocs website.

Before installing MkDocs, it is necessary that Python is installed and pip is installed.

Install MkDocs

To install MkDocs, open a Windows Command Shell and run the following. This assumes that Python was installed and Python environment variables were set.

To check whether MkDocs is installed:

py -m mkdocs

If not installed, install with the Python 3 version (actually no need to specify -3 but do to illustrate installing for specific Python version):

py -3 -m pip install mkdocs

Check whether installed by running:

py -m mkdocs 

or simply:


If installed, the usage will be shown, similar to:

Usage: mkdocs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

MkDocs - Project documentation with Markdown.

    -V, --version  Show the version and exit.
    -q, --quiet    Silence warnings
    -v, --verbose  Enable verbose output
    -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  build      Build the MkDocs documentation
  gh-deploy  Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages
  json       Build the MkDocs documentation to JSON files...
  new        Create a new MkDocs project
  serve      Run the builtin development server