Project Initialization / Developer Documentation

This documentation describes how the developer documentation was initialized. This developer documentation uses the MkDocs software which should have been previously installed.

Create Folder for Developer Documentation

The SNODAS tools development folders should have been previously created and the Git repository cloned. Next, create a MkDocs empty project. The following uses Windows Command Shell.

> C:
> cd C:\Users\user\cdss-dev\CDSS-SNODAS-Tools\git-repos\cdss-app-snodas-tools
> mkdocs new doc-dev-makedocs-project

This will initialize the folder C:\Users\user\cdss-dev\CDSS-SNODAS-Tools\git-repos\cdss-app-snodas-tools\doc-dev-mkdocs-project.

Edit MkDocs Content

Follow the guidance in the Development Tasks / Documenting section for guidelines in editing the documentation. Some MkDocs files were created from scratch and others were copied from other MkDocs projects and updated.

Documentation files are committed to the repository using normal Git workflow protocols.