Project Initialization / GitHub
Various files related to the SNODAS Tools software, documentation, tests, etc. are managed in a public GitHub Git repository. The following sections describe how the repository was initialized during project set-up.
Before creating a repository in GitHub and cloning to local files, the following steps must have been completed:
Create GitHub Repository
It is assumed that the Git for Windows software was previously installed.
The Git/GitHub repository was initialized using the following steps:
The SNODAS Tools Git repository was first created in GitHub under the Open Water Foundation organization.
- Basic information was defined such as the description and default
file. - The repository was defined as public.
- Collaborators were added for the project team. consistent with overall project organization:
Clone the GitHub Repository to Developer Computer
It is assumed that the project folder structure was previously defined on the development computer for the software developer's account, Additionally, if not already done, create the folder to hold Git repositories (the following illustrates using Windows Command Shell):
> C:
> cd \Users\user\cdss-dev\CDSS-SNODAS-Tools
> mkdir git-repos
The repository was cloned to the git-repos
> C:
> cd \Users\user\cdss-dev\CDSS-SNODAS-Tools\cdss-dev
> git clone https://githubUsers\user\cdss-dev\CDSS-SNODAS-Tools\
This created a folder C:\Users\user\cdss-dev\CDSS-SNODAS-Tools\cdss-dev\cdss-app-snodas-tools
Add files to the Repository
Files were then added to the repository and committed, as described in other documentation.