Table of Contents
The following topics are discussed in this section:
- Overview
- SNODAS_Tools\scripts\
- SNODAS_Tools\staticData\
- SNODAS_Tools\processedData\
- SNODAS_Tools\config\
- SNODAS_Tools\TsTool\
- SNODAS_Tools\aws\
The SNODAS Tools process original SNODAS data files, extracted from a tar file, into zonal snowpack statistics for watershed basins. Zonal statistics are statistics calculated by zone where the zones are defined by an input zone dataset and the values are defined by a raster grid. For the SNODAS Tools, the input zone dataset is the watershed basin boundary shapefile and the raster grid is the clipped and projected SNODAS daily SWE grid. Originally, these tools were developed for processing snowpack statistics for the state of Colorado. Therefore, the examples throughout this documentation reference the Colorado study area.
After the data is processed, final snowpack statistics can easily be viewed in a choropleth map or exported in tabular form. Below is an image of the results from the SNODAS Tools displayed as a choropleth map. Right-click on the image and click Open image in new tab to see a larger view.
As explained in the Processing Workflow section, the tool iterates through various data-manipulation processes (ex: downloading the data, clipping the national grid to the extent of the basins, calculating the zonal statistics). Each data-manipulation process can generate one or more output files. The majority of intermediate data files are currently saved to allow for process verification, troubleshooting, and avoiding re-downloads should the full analysis period need to be rerun due to changes in the software (each daily download of the SNODAS national files takes approximately 7 seconds).
The following illustrates the overall folder structure for the SNODAS Tools for Windows. The software is configured u sing the config\SNODAS-Tools-Config.ini file, which specifies locations of folders and files on the operational system.
Nested folders
are represented by: '---'.
are represented by: '--->'.
File Structure of SNODAS Tools
--- SNODAS_Tools
- - - - - aws\
- - - - - - - - > copyAllToOWFAmazons3.bat
- - - - - config\
- - - - - - - - > SNODAS-Tools-Config.ini
- - - - - processedData\
- - - - - - - - > SNODASTools.log
- - - - - - - - - - 1_DownloadSNODAS\
- - - - - - - - - - - - > SNODAS_YYYYMMDD.tar
- - - - - - - - - - 2_SetFormat\
- - - - - - - - - - - - > us_ssmv11034tS__T0001TTNATSYYYYMMDD05HP001.tif
- - - - - - - - - -3_ClipToExtent\
- - - - - - - - - - - - > SNODAS_SWE_ClipAndProjYYYYMMDD.tif
- - - - - - - - - - 4_CreateSnowCover\
- - - - - - - - - - - - > SNODAS_SnowCover_ClipAndProjYYYYMMDD.tif
- - - - - - - - - - 5_CalculateStatistics\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - SnowpackStatisticsbyBasin\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > SnowpackStatisticsByBasin_LOCALID.csv
- - - - - - - - - - - - - SnowpackStatisticsbyDate\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.csv
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.geojson
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > SnowpackStatisticsByDate_LatestDate.csv
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > ListOfDates.txt
- - - - - - - - - - 6_CreateTimeSeriesProducts
- - - - - - - - - - - - - SnowpackGraphsByBasin\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID_SNODAS_SWE.png
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID_SNODAS_SnowCover.png
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID_SNODAS_SWE_Volume.png
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID_SNODAS_SWE_Volume_1WeekChange.png
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID-SNODAS-SWE-Volume-Gain-Cumulative.png
- - - - - scripts\
- - - - - - - - >
- - - - - - - - >
- - - - - - - - >
- - - - - - - - > SNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat
- - - - - staticData\
- - - - - - - - > studyAreaExtent_prj.shp
(created and exported by the SNODAS Tools)
- - - - - - - - > watershedBasinBoundary.shp
(must be added before running the SNODAS Tools)
- - - - - - - - - WatershedConnectivity\
- - - - - - - - - - - - > Watershed_Connectivity_v3.xlsx
(must be added before running the SNODAS Tools)
- - - - - TsTool\
- - - - - - - - - 6_CreateTimeSeriesProducts\
- - - - - - - - - - - - > ~$create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool.log
- - - - - - - - - - - - > create-snodas-swe-graphs-tstool-control.txt
- - - - - - - - - - - - > create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool
- - - - - - - - - - - - > snodas-localid-swe-graph-template.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - > snodas-localid-snowcover-graph-template.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - > snodas-localid-swe-volume-graph-template.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - > snodas-localid-swe-volume-1weekchange-graph-template.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - > snodas-localid-swe-volume-gain-cumulative-graph-template.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - SnowpackGraphsByBasin-tsp\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID-SNODAS-SWE.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID-SNODAS-SnowCover.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID-SNODAS-SWE-Volume.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID-SNODAS-SWE-Volume-1WeekChange.tsp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > LOCALID-SNODAS-SWE-Volume-Cumulative.tsp
All SNDOAS scripts, input data and output data are stored within the CDSS\SNODAS\
The SNODAS Python and batch scripts are contained within the SNODAS\pycharm-project\ folder.
The SNODAS\SNODAS_Tools\ folder contains the data (both input and output), the configuration file, and the batch files designed to create the time series graphs and upload the data to amazon web services.
The SNODAS scripts (Python and .bat) are contained within the SNODAS_Tools\scripts\ folder.
The SNODAS input data files are contained within the SNODAS_Tools\staticData\ folder.
The SNODAS output data files are contained within the SNODAS_Tools\processedData\ folder.
The SNODAS cofiguration file is contained within the SNODAS_Tools\config\ folder.
The input TsTool files associated with creating the output time series graphs are contained withing the SNODAS_Tools\TsTool\ folder.
The batch file designed to upload the SNODAS output data to Amazon Web Services is contained within the SNODAS_Tools\aws\ folder.
The C:\CDSS\SNODAS\SNODAS_Tools\scripts\
folder holds all SNODAS Tools' scripts. In total there are four
4. SNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat
Python script downloads the current date's SNODAS data from the SNODAS FTP site
and exports daily snowpack zonal statistics for each basin of the watershed basin shapefile input.
This script only processes the current date's SNODAS data.
For information on the data processing steps of
, refer to the
Processing Workflow section. For information on the SNODAS FTP site, refer to the
SNODAS Data of the user guide. For information on
the output snowpack products, refer to the SNODAS Tools Products
section of the user guide.
script is designed to automatically run using a task scheduler program. Refer to
the Task Scheduler section for more information. Once the task is set
up, the script downloads the daily SNODAS data on a daily timer and exports
the daily zonal statistics to the processedData\ folder.
script downloads historical SNODAS data from the SNODAS FTP site
and exports daily snowpack zonal statistics.
script is designed to be interactive. Users specify historical dates of
interest and the script exports the zonal statistics corresponding to those dates. The exported statistics of the
are saved in the processedData\ folder alongside
the exported statistics of the
For information on the data processing steps of
, refer to the
Processing Workflow section. For information on the SNODAS FTP site, refer to the
SNODAS Data section of the user guide. For information
on the output snowpack products, refer to the SNODAS Tools Products
section of the user guide.
script is to be utilized in the following scenarios:
The historical SNODAS repository has not yet been processed.
- The temporal coverage of the SNODAS data is September 28th, 2003 to the current date. The
script automatically creates an ongoing export of SNODAS zonal statistics, once theSNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat
has been set up with a task scheduler program. The SNODAS historical repository, however, must be created with
- The temporal coverage of the SNODAS data is September 28th, 2003 to the current date. The
failed to run.- The
is designed to automatically
every day. There are instances, however, when the task could fail to run for a single or range of days. This could occur, for example, if the task properties are set to run only when the user is signed in and the user was signed off for one or a range of days. The missed days must then be manually processed with
- The
The SNODAS grid displayed incorrect information.
- The SNODAS products for a specific day could require an overwrite if the National Snow & Ice Data Center
uploads incorrect SNODAS data, only to reload the correct dataset later. The reprocessing of SNODAS data for that date would be
accomplished with the
- The SNODAS products for a specific day could require an overwrite if the National Snow & Ice Data Center
uploads incorrect SNODAS data, only to reload the correct dataset later. The reprocessing of SNODAS data for that date would be
accomplished with the
script contains all of the functions utilized in the
and the
scripts. For descriptions of the individual
functions refer to the Tool Utilities and Functions section.
4. SNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat
The SNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat
is a batch file to be called by a task scheduler program. It automatically
runs the
script every day with the correct environment settings. Refer to the
Task Scheduler section for a tutorial on how to
initially set up the SNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat
within a task scheduler program.
Components of the SNODASDaily_Automated_forTaskScheduler.bat File
Code | Description | Defaulted to: |
SET OSGEO4W_ROOT= | Set the base install folder for OSGEO4W. | C:\OSGeo4W64 |
SET QGISNAME= | Set the install folder name for QGIS. | qgis |
SET QGIS= | Set the full pathname to the install folder for QGIS. | %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\%QGISNAME% |
SET QGIS_PREFIX_PATH= | Set the QGIS prefix path to the full pathname to the install folder for QGIS. | %QGIS% |
SET GDAL_DATA= | Set the install folder for GDAL. | %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\share\gdal| |
SET PATH= | Set paths to OSGEO4W bin and QGIS bin. | %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%QGIS%\bin;%PATH% |
SET PYTHONHOME= | Set the install folder for Python. | %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Python27 |
SET PYTHONPATH= | Set up the default search path for Python module files. | %QGIS%\python;%PYTHONPATH% |
SET PYCHARM= | Set full pathname to location of PyCharm program. | "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2016.2.3\bin\pycharm.exe" |
SET PYTHON_JOB= | Set the full pathname to the location of the Python script. | D:\SNODAS\bin\ |
python %PYTHON_JOB% | Launch the Python program. | N/A |
There are three files that are contained within the SNODASTools\staticData\
The first file, the watershed basin shapefile input, must be provided by the user of the SNODAS Tools before
any scripts are run. The second file, the watershed basin extent shapefile, is produced by the SNODAS Tools after
the first script of the SNODAS Tools is run. The user of the tool does not provide this shapefile - it is created automatically by the SNODAS
Watershed Basin Shapefile Input
The Watershed Basin Shapefile Input (watershedBasinBoundary.shp
) is a shapefile of basin features for the
study area of interest. The SNODAS Tools calculate daily snowpack statistics for each basin of the watershed basin
shapefile input. Originally the SNODAS Tools were developed to perform snowpack analysis for the state of Colorado. Below
is an image of the watershed basin shapefile input (displayed in green) used to run the SNODAS Tools for the
Colorado project. The black, boxed
outline is the Colorado state boundary.
What is the purpose of the watershed basin shapefile input?
- Zonal statistics are statistics calculated by zone where the zones are defined by an input zone dataset and the values are defined by a raster grid. This shapefile is the input zone dataset.
How is the watershed basin shapefile input projected?
- The projection of the watershed basin shapefile input is defaulted to USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic (EPSG code: 102003).
If the watershed basin shapefile input has a projection other than USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic, the default
EPSG code in the configuration file under section
must be altered. - The clipped SNODAS daily rasters are projected into the projection of the watershed basin shapefile input before the zonal statistics are calculated to ensure that the basin boundaries "match up" with the correct SNODAS raster data.
- The projection of the watershed basin shapefile input is defaulted to USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic (EPSG code: 102003).
If the watershed basin shapefile input has a projection other than USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic, the default
EPSG code in the configuration file under section
The Watershed Basin Extent Shapefile
The Watershed Basin Extent Shapefile (studyAreaExtent_prj.shp
), referred to as extent shapefile from this point onward, is a single-feature bounding-box shapefile that extends
to the extent of the watershed basin shapefile input. The extent shapefile is used within the SNODAS Tools to clip the daily SNODAS data to
the study area. Below is an image of the extent shapefile (displayed in green) used for the Colorado project. The Colorado
watershed basin shapefile input is overlaid with a transparent fill.
What is the purpose of the extent shapefile?
- The extent shapefile decreases the processing time of the scripts by clipping the national SNODAS grid to a manageable size of the study area.
How is the extent shapefile projected?
- The extent shapefile is defaulted to have the same datum and projection as the national SNODAS grid.
The national SNODAS grid does not have a projection however the "SNODAS fields are grids of point estimates of snow
cover in latitude/longitude coordinates with the horizontal datum WGS84". Therefore,
the extent shapefile is defaulted to have a WGS84 datum and no projection. Although highly unrecommended, the projection of the extent shapefile
can be changed from the defaulted WGS84 projection in the configuration file under section
- The extent shapefile is defaulted to have the same datum and projection as the national SNODAS grid.
The national SNODAS grid does not have a projection however the "SNODAS fields are grids of point estimates of snow
cover in latitude/longitude coordinates with the horizontal datum WGS84". Therefore,
the extent shapefile is defaulted to have a WGS84 datum and no projection. Although highly unrecommended, the projection of the extent shapefile
can be changed from the defaulted WGS84 projection in the configuration file under section
How is the extent shapefile created?
- The SNODAS Tools create the extent shapefile by drawing a bounding box extent around the watershed basin shapefile input. The projection of the watershed basin shapefile input is set by the user in the configuration file. The extent shapefile, therefore, is originally projected in the same projection as the watershed basin shapefile input. However, the SNODAS Tools are designed to project the extent shapefile to the projection of the daily SNODAS data grids (defaulted to WGS84).
Watershed Connectivity File
The watershed connectivity file is an excel file listing all basins of the watershed basin input shapefile. It is read by the create-snodas-swe-graphs TsTool command file to create the time series graphs.
All output products of
are saved within the processedData\ folder.
For each processed day of data, 13 output products are created. To see a larger view of the images below, right-click on the image and
click Open image in new tab.
- The originally downloaded national SNODAS .tar file
- The reformatted national SNODAS SWE data in .tif format
- The clipped and projected SNODAS SWE .tif file
- The clipped and projected snow cover binary .tif file
- The snowpack statistics organized by basin ID
(a .csv file)
- The snowpack statistics organized by date
(a .csv file)SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.GeoJSON
(a .GeoJSON file)SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.shp
(a shapefile, with required extensions)
- The snowpack time series graphs organized by basin
The 13 output products are saved within subfolders of the processedData folder. Each subfolder is explained in further detail below.
The name of each subfolder is described by the default name. However, the following folder names can be edited in the
configuration file under section Folders
The SNODAS Tools access the SNODAS FTP site and download the daily
SNODAS .tar file. If the
script is utilized, the daily SNODAS .tar file is the current date. If the
script is utilized, the daily SNODAS .tar file is the date of interest defined by user input.
The file is downloaded to the 1_DownloadSNODAS folder and is named SNODAS_YYYYMMDD.tar
represents the date of data.
Note that the date does not represent the download date but rather the date when the SNODAS data is collected.
Downloaded SNODAS file for January 9th, 2013 -> SNODAS_20130109.tar
Refer to the Processing Workflow section for a general description of the SNODAS Tools' downloading step. Refer to Tool Utilities and Functions for detailed information on the Python functions called to download the SNODAS data.
The SNODAS Tools manipulate the SNODASYYYYMMDD.tar
file to produce a SNODAS Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) national grid in .tif format,
shown below.
SNODAS Snow Water Equivalent Masked Grid for January 16th, 2017
Refer to the Processing Workflow section for a general description of the SNODAS Tools' set format step. Refer to Tool Utilities and Functions for detailed information on the Python functions called to set the format of the SNODAS data.
The manipulated SNODAS SWE .tif file is saved to the 2_SetFormat folder and is named us_ssmv11034tS__T0001TTNATSYYYYMMDD05HP001.tif
represents the date of data. Note that the date does not represent the download date but rather the date when the
SNODAS data is collected.
SNODAS SWE .tif file for January 9th, 2013 -> us_ssmv11034tS__T0001TTNATS2013010905HP001.tif
The long and cryptic name of this file can be explained with the NSIDC SNODAS user guide.
The naming convention variables are described below:
us: region of the file
'us': United States
ssm: model used to generate the estimates
'ssm': simple snow model
v1: signifies if the file contains snow model driving data or model output
'v1': operational snow model output
1034: product code representing the snow parameter represented by the data
'1034': snow water equivalent
tS__: a vertical integration code that denotes what type of snow pack data are being collected
'tS__': integral through all the layers of the snow pack
T0001: time integration code
'T0001': a one-hour snapshot
TTNA: detail of snow modeling operations
'TTNA': will always be TTNA
TS: time step code
TS is followed by the year, month, day, and hour of the start of the last time step of the
integration period for which the data applies. For example, the time integration code,
T0024, and time step code, TS2003102305, are for the time interval 2003-10-22 06 to
2003-10-23 05.
YYYY: 4-digit year
'YYYY': dependent on date of data
MM: 2-digit month
'MM': dependent on date of data
DD: 2-digit day of month
'DD': dependent on date of data
05: 2-digit hour of day
'05': 5th hour of the day
H: time interval
'H': hourly
P001: offset code referring to where the data applies during a snow model time step in the snow
model's differencing scheme
'P001': field represents a total flux for the entire time step such as precipitation or that a field
represents data at the end of a time step
2_SetFormat\OtherParameters folder
There are multiple SNODAS parameters that are included in the downloaded SNODAS .tar file. Those parameters are:
- Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)
- Snow Depth
- Snow Melt Runoff at Base of Snow Pack
- Sublimation from the Snow Pack
- Sublimation of Blowing Snow
- Solid Precipitation
- Liquid Precipitation
- Snow Pack Average Temperature
The SNODAS Tools are defaulted to delete all SNODAS parameters except for the Snow Water Equivalent data. However, section
of the configuration file allows for users to save all the data from the seven
other SNODAS parameters.
If configured, the SNODAS Tools create a new folder called OtherParameters
under the
folder. All extracted data regarding the SNODAS parameters, other than SWE, is saved within the 2_SetFormat\OtherParameters
- The SNODAS data files saved in the
folder follow the file naming convention described by the NSIDC SNODAS user guide.
The SNODAS Tools clip the us_ssmv11034tS__T0001TTNATSYYYYMMDD05HP001.tif
file to the
Watershed Basin Extent Shapefile (studyAreaExtent_prj.shp
The clipped daily SNODAS grid, shown below for the Colorado dataset, is then projected into the desired projection configured in the
configuration file under section Projections
option calcstats_proj_epsg
(this is the
same projection as the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input, defaulted to USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area).
Above: The SNODAS Snow Water Equivalent Masked Grid for January 16th, 2017 with the Colorado basin extent outline overlaid in black.
Above: The SNODAS Snow Water Equivalent Grid for January 16th, 2017 clipped to the Colorado basin extent. The skewed image is due to projections built into the SNODAS Tools.
The clipped and projected SNODAS .tif file is saved to the 3_ClipToExtent folder and is named SNODAS_SWE_ClipAndProjYYYYMMDD.tif
represents the date of data. Note that the date does not represent the download date but rather the date when the SNODAS
data is collected.
Clipped and projected SNODAS file for January 9th, 2013 -> SNODAS_SWE_ClipAndProj20130109.tif
Refer to the Processing Workflow section for a general description of the SNODAS Tools' clip and projecting steps. Refer to Tool Utilities and Functions for detailed information on the Python functions called to clip and project the SNODAS data.
The SNODAS Tools create a daily binary raster grid displaying presence and absence of snow cover. The created snow cover .tif file is saved to the
4_CreateSnowCover folder and is named SNODAS_SnowCover_ClipAndProjYYYYMMDD.tif
represents the date of data. Note
that the date does not represent the download date but rather the date when the SNODAS data is collected.
Clipped and projected snow cover file for January 9th, 2013 ->
, shown below for the Colorado dataset, is created by iterating through the cells of
file and assigning cell values dependent on the following guidelines:
SNODAS_SnowCover _ClipAndProjYYYYMMDD |
If a cell has a value greater than 0 (there is snow on the ground) | then the corresponding cell is assigned a value of '1' (presence of snow displayed in blue) |
If a cell has a value equal to 0 (there is no snow on the ground) | then the corresponding cell is assigned a value of '0' (absence of snow displayed in brown) |
If a cell has a value equal to -9999 (a null value) | then the corresponding cell is assigned a value of '-9999' (a null value displayed in white) |
Above: The binary Colorado snow cover grid for January 16th, 2017. Blue = presence of snow. Brown = absence of snow.
Refer to the Processing Workflow section for a general description of the SNODAS Tools' Create Snow Cover step. Refer to Tool Utilities and Functions for detailed information on the Python functions called to create the daily snow cover .tif file.
The SNODAS Tools perform zonal statistics on the SNODAS_SWE_ClipAndProjYYYYMMDD.tif
file where zones are defined by the individual features of the
Watershed Basin Shapefile Input (watershedBasinBoundary.shp
). The statistics are exported into two types of data - snowpack
statistics organized by basin and snowpack statistics organized by date.
Types of Snowpack Statistics
There are default snowpack statistics that are non-configurable and required inclusions in the
output results. There are also additional snowpack statistics
that can be added to the output results if configured in the configuration file under section OptionalZonalStatistics
Default Snowpack Statistics | Additional Snowpack Statistics |
Mean Snow Water Equivalent | Minimum Snow Water Equivalent |
Effective Area | Maximum Snow Water Equivalent |
Percent Area of Snow Cover | Standard Deviation of Snow Water Equivalent |
Total Snow Volume | - |
One Week Change in Total Snow Volume | - |
Snowpack Statistics organized By Basin
There are multiple basins in the watershed basin shapefile input. For every day of processedSNODAS data, new daily statistics are produced for each individual basin. The output snowpack statistics organized by basin are contained within .csv files. There is one .csv file for each basin of the watershed basin shapefile input. Each row of the byBasin .csv file represents the daily snowpack statistics. As a new date of SNODAS data is processed by the SNODAS Tools, a new row is appended to each byBasin .csv file with the newly calculated statistics.
Refer to the processedData\5_CalculateStatistics\StatisticsbyBasin\ section for more information.
Snowpack Statistics organized By Date
For each date of processed SNODAS data, daily statistics are calculated for every basin of the watershed basin shapefile input. The snowpack statistics organized by date files contain all daily snowpack statistics for a specific date.
Three different formats of byDate data are exported each day.
File Format | Description |
CSV file | Tabular data. |
GeoJSON file | Spatial data with statistics stored in the attribute table. |
Shapefile | Spatial data with statistics stored in the attribute table. |
A new file of each byDate format is created for every day of processed SNODAS data completed by the SNODAS Tools.
Refer to the processedData\5_CalculateStatistics\StatisticsbyDate\ section for more information.
Refer to the Processing Workflow section for a general description of the SNODAS Tools' calculate statistics step. Refer to Tool Utilities and Functions for detailed information on the Python functions called to create the .csv files and calculate and export the zonal statistics.
As previously explained, the snowpack zonal statistics are organized and exported into two different groupings, by basin and by date.
There is one SnowpackStatisticsByBasin_XXXX.csv file for each feature of the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input (watershedBasinBoundary.shp
The statistics organized by basin provide change analysis capabilities - the data displays the change in snowpack statistics for a specific basin
throughout time.
'XXXX' is the unique ID identifying each basin feature. This ID is located as a field within the attribute table of the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input
). Before running the SNODAS Tools, it is important to assign the name of the attribute field holding the basin ID information in
section BasinBoundaryShapefile
option basin_id_fieldname
of the configuration file.
Zonal statistics by basin .csv file for basin 'ALAC2' on January 9th, 2013 ->
Each SnowpackStatisticsByBasin_XXXX.csv contains rows of snowpack statistics organized by processed date. Every time a new date of SNODAS data is run, each SnowpackStatisticsByBasin_XXXX.csv file is updated with a new row of statistics.
An example of a SnowpackStatisticsByBasin_XXXX.csv file is shown below. You can see that the dates, January 1st through January 5th, 2017, have been processed by the SNODAS Tools. The red circle shows that all values under the Local_ID column (the watershed basin ID) are equivalent. Right-click on the image and click Open image in new tab to see a larger view.
As previously explained, the snowpack zonal statistics are organized into two different groupings, by basin and by date. The by basin data is exported solely as a csv file. However, the by date data is exported into three different formats - a csv file, a GeoJSON file and a shapefile.
Along with the by date data, a single text file is also stored within the 5_CalculateStatistics\SnowpackStatisticsbyDate
folder. The
ListofDate.txt section below will explain further.
Statistics By Date CSV Files
There is one SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.csv file for each date of processed SNODAS data where YYYYMMDD
represents the date of data.
Note that the date does not represent the download date but rather the date when the SNODAS data is collected. The statistics organized by date provide
landscape comparison capabilities - the data displays the varying daily snowpack statistics for each basin across the entire study area.
Zonal statistics by date .csv file for January 9th, 2013 ->
Each SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.csv contains rows of snowpack statistics organized by basin ID. Each basins' statistics are saved within individual rows of the .csv file.
An example of a SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.csv file is shown below. The daily statistics (October 15th, 2014) for all basins of the
Watershed Basin Shapefile Input (watershedBasinBoundary.shp
) are represented. The red circle shows that all
values under the Date_YYYYMMDD column are equivalent. Right-click on the image and click Open image in new tab to see a larger view.
The GeoJSON file and the Shapefile
The by date snowpack statistics are also exported in formats that can be spatially rendered. The GeoJSON and
Shapefile exports obtain the geometry from the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input (watershedBasinBoundary.shp
and append the daily snowpack statistics to the attribute table.
A GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes, based on JavaScript Object Notation. A Shapefile is a popular geospatial vector data format for GIS software developed and regulated by ESRI.
One GeoJSON file and one shapefile are produced for each date of processed SNODAS data. The exports have the same name as the by date csv file, SnowpackSatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD, but different extensions (GeoJSON: .geojson, Shapefile: .cpg, .dbf, .prj, .qpj, .shp, and .sgx).
A shapefile is made up of many separate files with different extensions. The SNODAS Tools, by default, will zip up all of the shapefile component files
for each day into one zipped file. Under section OutputLayers
option shp_zip
of the configuration file,
the user can choose to keep the shapefile component files unzipped. If the default is true and the daily shapefile is zipped, the SNODAS Tools, by default,
will delete the unzipped shapefile component files. Under section OutputLayers
option shp_delete_originals
the configuration file, the user can choose to keep both the zipped folder AND the unzipped shapefile component files.
The SnowpackStatisticsByDate_LatestDate.csv
is a copy of the most recent date's SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.csv
file. The contents of the file are overwritten
when a later date of SNODAS data is processed.
The ListOfDates.txt file is a text file that contains a list of all processed dates of SNODAS data. All dates in the list correspond to a SnowpackStatisticsByDate_YYYYMMDD.csv file in the StatisticsbyDate folder. The dates in the ListOfDates.txt file are in the YYYYMMDD format. This text file is used in the development of the CDSS SNODAS Tools Map Application.
The SNODAS Tools utilize TsTool to create time series graphs of the following snowpack statistics for each basin of watershed basin shapefile input:
Mean Snow Water Equivalent
Percent Snow Cover
SWE Volume
1-Week Change in SWE Volume
cumulative SWE Volume
The time series graphs are stored in the processedData\6_CreateTimeSeriesProducts\SnowpackGraphsByBasin\
The graphs can be configured to update daily OR weekly (default). The configurations specific to the time series graphs
are option tsgraph_weekly_update
and option tsgraph_weekly_update_date
of section OutputLayers
. Refer to the
configuration file section for more details about these settings.
Refer to the Processing Workflow section for a general description on how the SNODAS Tools generate the snowpack time series products. Refer to Tool Utilities and Functions for detailed information on the Python function called to create the time series product.
The SNODAS Tools are set to export logging messages to aid in troubleshooting. The logging setting for the SNODAS Tools are configured with the configuration file format.
Levels of Logging Messages
The SNODAS Tools are set to export logging messages to both the console and the SNODASTools.log file. Warning and error messages export to both the console and the
SNODASTools.log file. Info messages are defaulted to export solely to the SNODASTools.log file. The logging level of messages exported to the
SNODASTools.log file can be changed from the defaulted DEBUG
level in the configuration file
under section logger_log02
option level
Formatting of Logging Messages
All logging messages are formatted to the default simpleFormatter. The simpleFormatter outputs the date and local time of the created log record
in the following format" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,MSS
Format | Description | Example for a log message created at 5:26.21,00AM on 2/4/2017. |
YYYY | The year when the logging message is created with century as a decimal number. | 2017 |
MM | The month, as a zero-padded decimal number, when the logging message is created. | 02 |
DD | The day, as a zero-padded decimal number, when the logging message is created. | 04 |
HH | The hour (24-hour clock), as a zero-padded decimal number, when the logging message is created. | 13 |
MM | The minute, as a zero-padded decimal number, when the logging message is created. | 26 |
SS | The second, as a zero-padded decimal number, when the logging message is created. | 21 |
MSS | The millisecond, as a three-digit zero-padded decimal number, when the logging message is created. | 000 |
The logging message follows the format: SSSS: EEEE: MMMM
Format | Description | Example |
SSSS | The name of the .py script or function for which the log message is regarding. | |
EEEE | The logging level of the log message. Only present if the logging level is a warning or an error. | WARNING: |
MMMM | The logging message. | SNODAS_20110217.tar has been untarred. |
The format of the logging messages can be changed from the defaulted %(asctime)s %(message)s
in the configuration file
under section formatter_simpleFormatter
option format
Timed Rotating File Handler
If the SNODASTools.log logging level is set to default DEBUG
, all logging messages will be written to the SNODASTools.log file. For each processed day of SNODAS
data, the size of the SNODASTools.log file will increase by approximately 12KB. The SNODAS Tools are designed to run every day. This high frequency of processing would
quickly cause the SNODASTools.log file to become incredibly large. To address this issue, the SNODASTools.log file is configured to run on a
Timed Rotating File Handler.
The timed rotating file handler creates and updates multiple versions of the SNODASTools.log file based upon a configured temporal schedule. After an allotted amount of time
(defaulted to 5 weeks), the oldest version of the SNODASTools.log is deleted and only the most recent log files are available. By default, a new SNODASTools.log
file is created every Monday, local time. The SNODASTools.log file from the previous week is assigned a suffix of .YYYY-MM-DD
and saved in the CDSS\SNODASTools\
folder. The
refers to the day that the log file was originally created.
- Note:
The timed rotating file handler defaults to adding the dated suffix as an extension. For exampleSNODASTools.log
will becomeSNODASTools.log.YYYY-MM-DD
. This locks up the previous log files to be opened and viewed in Notepad. However, the previous log files can still be opened and viewed using Notepad++.
The default setting saves 5 versions of the
SNODASTools.log file. This means that any processing from the past 5 weeks can be accessed. SNODASTools.log files older than 5 weeks are deleted.
The previous 5 versions of the SNODASTools.log are saved under the CDSS\SNODASTools\
As previously mentioned, each processed SNODAS date increases the individual SNODASTools.log file by approximately 12KB. Given the default setting of the timed rotating file handler, each log file will be approximately 84KB (daily size of 12KB multiplied by the 7 days of the week). The total size of file space used for SNODAS Tools' logging will be approximately 420KB (weekly log file size of 84KB multiplied by 5 weeks of backup files).
- Note:
The size increase of the SNODASTools.log file will be larger than 12KB for each processed date of SNODAS data if the processed date of SNODAS data is being rerun and the original files are being overwritten. The file size estimates in the previous paragraph assume that the only SNODAS Tools' script that is running is
script where only one date of SNODAS data is being processed each day.
The settings of the timed rotating file handler can be changed in the configuration file
under section handler_fileHandler
option args
. There are 4 arguments (filename, type of time interval,
interval, and backupConut) that can be altered within the option args
. These 4 editable features are explained below.
Argument | Description | Defaulted to: |
Filename | The full pathname to the location of the log file. | '..\SNODASTools.log' |
Type of Time Interval | Time interval type when a new log file is to be created. Options: seconds, days, weekdays, etc. |
Interval | Time interval. Example (if type of time interval = 'days'): 1 - every day 2 - every other day 5 - every five days, etc. |
backupCount | The number of previous SNODASTools.log files to be saved. |
Refer to the
Python tutorial documentation on the TimedRotatingFileHandler class
for further information regarding the argument options.
The SNODAS-Tools-Config.ini
is located in the SNODAS_Tools\config\
folder and contains Python input variables and logging settings for the SNODAS Tools.
Design of the Configuration File
The configuration file is divided into sections. The sections are the broad categories of SNODAS configurable variables and are recognizable by the brackets - [] - that surround them.
['BasinBoundaryShapefile'] is the section header for all configurable variables related to the
Watershed Basin Shapefile Input.
Under each section, there are corresponding options that relate to the section.
'pathname' and 'basin_id_fieldname' are options under the ['BasinBoundaryShapefile'] section.
'pathname' refers to the file location of the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input.
'basin_id_fieldname' refers to the field name of the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input that
uniquely defines each basin.
The Sections and Options of the Configuration File
To explain the components of the configuration file, each section is represented by a table below. The options of each section are represented by a row in the table.
Software Installation
Configuration File Section: [ProgramInstall]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
qgis_pathname | The full location to the QGIS installation on the local desktop. | C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis |
tstool_pathname | The full location of the TsTool program (TsTool.exe) on the local desktop. | C:/CDSS/TSTool-12.00.00beta/bin/TSTool.exe |
tstool_create-snodas-graphs_pathname | The full location of the create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool command file. | D:/SNODAS/bin/create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool |
Configuration File Section: [SNODAS_FTPSite]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
host | The FTP site hosting the SNODAS data. | |
username | is a public site so the username can remain 'anonymous'. |
anonymous |
password | is a public site so the password can remain 'None'. |
None |
folder_path | The pathname to the SNODAS data (defaulted to 'masked' data). |
/DATASETS/NOAA/G02158/masked/ |
null_value | The no data value of the SNODAS data. This information can be found in this PDF. | -9999 |
The Watershed Basin Shapefile Input
Configuration File Section: [BasinBoundaryShapefile]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
pathname | Location and name of the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input. The shapefile should be stored in the Static Data Folder. | N/A |
basin_id_fieldname | The name of the field in the shapefile attribute table that uniquely identifies each basin. The values of this field will be exported to the output statistics csv files. | LOCAL_ID |
Configuration File Section: [Projections]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
datum_epsg | The EPSG code of the datum used to define the national SNODAS daily grid. WGS84 (EPSG 4326) is recommended. | 4326 |
calcstats_proj_epsg | The EPSG code of the projection used to calculate the zonal statistics, an equal-area projection is recommended. This should be the same projection as that of the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input. | 102003 |
calculate_cellsize_x | The desired cell size (x axis) to resample the daily SNODAS grid before calculating the zonal statistics. Remember to apply units used in the calcstats_proj_epsg projection. | 463.1475 |
calculate_cellsize_y | The desired cell size (y axis) to resample the daily SNODAS grid before calculating the zonal statistics. Remember to apply units used in the calcstats_proj_epsg projection. | 463.1475 |
output_proj_epsg | The EPSG code of the desired projection for the output layers, the daily GeoJSON and the daily shapefile. | 26913 |
Output Folders
Configuration File Section: [Folders]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
root_pathname | Location and name of root folder. Contains the following 2 folders. | D:/SNODAS/ |
static_data_folder | Name of folder containing the static data, including the Watershed Basin Shapefile Input. | staticData/ |
processed_data_folder | Name of folder containing all of the processed data. Contains the following 5 folders. | processedData/ |
download_snodas_tar_folder | Name of folder containing all daily SNODAS .tar files downloaded from FTP site. | 1_DownloadSNODAS |
untar_snodas_tif_folder | Name of folder containing national daily SNODAS .tif files. | 2_SetFormat |
clip_proj_snodas_tif_folder | Name of folder containing clipped and projected daily SNODAS .tif files. | 3_ClipToExtent |
create_snowvover_tif_folder | Name of folder containing clipped binary snow cover .tif files. | 4_CreateSnowCover |
calculate_stats_folder | Name of folder containing the output products. Contains the following 2 folders. | 5_CalculateStatistics/ |
output_stats_by_date_folder | Name of folder containing the output zonal snowpack statistics organized by date. Also contains the daily output GeoJSONs & shapefiles. | SnowpackStatisticsByDate |
output_stats_by_basin_folder | Name of folder containing the output zonal snowpack statistics organized by basin. | SnowpackStatisticsByBasin |
Output Layers
Configuration File Section: [OutputLayers]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
shp_zip | Boolean logic to determine if the output shapefile files should be zipped. True: Shapefile files are zipped. False: Shapefile files are left independent. |
True |
shp_delete_orginals | Boolean logic to determine if unzipped shapefile files should be deleted. Only applied if shp_zip = True. True: Independent shapefile files are deleted. False: Independent shapefile files are saved along with the zipped file. |
True |
geojson_precision | The number of decimal places included in the GeoJSON output geometry. The more decimal places, the more accurate the geometry and the larger the file size. | 5 |
tsgraph_weekly_update | Boolean logic to determine whether or not to update the snowpack time series graphs daily or weekly. True: Time series graphs are updated weekly, based on tsgraph_weekly_update_date setting. False: Time series graphs are updated daily. |
False |
tsgraph_weekly_update_date | The day of the week that the snowpack time series graphs are set to update (Monday: 0, Tuesday: 1 ...). Only applied if tsgraph_weekly_update = True. Note that the SNODAS Tools must be run on this set day in order for the graphs to update. The graphs will not update automatically if one of the SNODAS Tools' scripts is not run. |
0 |
upload_results_to_amazon_s3 | Boolean logic to determine whether or not to upload the SNODAS_Tools results to amazon web services given the specifics of the batch file input in function 'push_to_AWS' in ''. | False |
Daily SNODAS Parameters
Configuration File Section: [SNODASparameters]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
save_all_parameters | The downloaded daily SNODAS .tar file contains 8 snowpack parameters. The SNODAS Tools only compute statistics from the SWE parameter. Boolean logic to determine whether or not to delete the other 7 national grids of SNODAS parameters. True: The daily 7 national grids of SNODAS parameters (other than SWE) are saved in a folder called download_snodas_tar_folder/OtherParameters. False: The daily 7 national grids of SNODAS parameters are deleted. |
False |
Optional Statistics
Configuration File Section: [OptionalZonalStatistics]
Configurable Parameter |
Description | Defaulted to: |
calculate_swe_minimum | Boolean logic to enable calculation of the daily minimum SWE zonal statistic (mm and in). True: Enable. False: Disable. |
False |
calculate_swe_maximum | Boolean logic to enable calculation of the daily maximum SWE zonal statistic (mm and in). True: Enable. False: Disable. |
False |
calculate_swe_standard_deviation | Boolean logic to enable calculation of the SWE standard deviation zonal statistic (mm and in). True: Enable. False: Disable. |
False |
The Logging Files
The configuration of the logging files is slightly more complicated than the other sections of the configuration file.
The configuration of the logging files is set up with multiple sections, following the design provided by
the Python Software Foundation - Logging HOWTO.
The following table differs than the previous tables in that there are multiple sections represented in the table (instead of just one). In the first column, the section AND the option are listed (instead of just the option). All of the sections and options in the following table are in reference to configuring the logging files.
Section Option |
Description | Defaulted to: |
loggers keys |
The available SNODASTools logs. This should not be changed unless a new log configuration is to be created. | root, log02 |
handlers keys |
The available SNODASTools handlers. This should not be changed unless a new handler is to be created. | fileHandler, consoleHandler |
formatters keys |
The available SNODASTools formatters. This should not be changed unless a new formatter is to be created. | simpleFormatter |
logger_root level |
The log level of the 'root' logger. | WARNING |
logger_root handlers |
The handler used for the 'root' logger. | consoleHandler |
logger_log02 level |
The log level of the 'log02' logger. | DEBUG |
logger_log02 handlers |
The handler used for the 'log02' logger. | fileHandler |
logger_log02 qualname |
The name used to call the log in the SNODASTools' applications. | log02 |
logger_log02 propogate |
Propogation setting. 1 to indicate that messages must propagate to handlers higher up the logger hierarchy from this logger, or 0 to indicate that messages are not propagated to handlers up the hierarchy. |
0 |
handler_consoleHandler class |
The class type of the consoleHandler. | StreamHandler |
handler_consoleHandler level |
The log level of the consoleHandler. | NOTSET |
handler_consoleHandler formatter |
The formatter of the consoleHandler. | simpleFormatter |
handler_consoleHandler args |
The location of output log messages for the consoleHandler. | (sys.stdout,) |
handler_fileHandler class |
The class type of the fileHandler. | handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler |
handler_fileHandler level |
The log level of the fileHandler. | NOTSET |
handler_fileHandler formatter |
The formatter of the fileHandler. | simpleFormatter |
handler_fileHandler args |
The options for the TimedRotatingFileHandler (filename, when to rotate, rotation interval, backupCount) | ('../processedData/SNODASTools.log', 'W0', 1, 5) |
formatter_simpleFormatter foramt |
The format of log messages. | %(asctime)s %(message)s |
All files inside of this folder are required inputs and outputs for the TsTool program to create the time series graphs.
The create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool
command file is read by TSTool to
produce the snowpack time series graphs.
The create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool
command file is prompted in the
script and the
under function create_SNODAS_SWE_graphs(), after all dates of data have been processed.
Refer to the Generate Time Series Products section of the Software Design - Overview page for more information regarding the creation of the snowpack time series graphs
Other .tsp and .txt Files
The other .tsp and .txt files included in this folder are as follows:
These files are designed to aid TsTool in the drawing settings of each graph. To learn more about these files, read the TsTool software documentation.
The log file, ~$create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool.log
, contains all logging messages developed from TsTool while
creating the above time-series graphs.
The copyAllToOWFAmazons3.bat
file is contained within the SNODAS_Tools\aws\
The copyAllToOWFAmazons3.bat
file is designed to push the output SNODAS Tools' products to
Open Water Foundation's
Amazon Web Service to update the
CDSS SNODAS Tools Map Viewer.