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GeoProcessor / Development Environment / Folders

It is recommended that GeoProcessor development occur in a folder structure that is consistent between software developers. This ensures that scripts used to perform development tasks work for all developers and developer documentation is accurate.

Development Environment Folders

The following is the recommended folder structure for the GeoProcessor development environment. The primary development environment is currently Windows 10. Secondary testing occurs on Cygwin and Linux environments. Additional environments for development and testing will be added over time.

C:\Users\user\owf-dev\                         Top-level development folder (Windows).
/home/user/owf-dev/                            Top-level development folder (Linux).
/cygdrive/C/Users/user/owf-dev/                Top-level development folder (Cygwin).
  GeoProcessor or GP/                          Product folder (see note on long paths below).
------------ above line folder names are recommendations, below line names are required -----------
    git-repos/                                 Git repositories for the GeoProcessor.
      owf-app-geoprocessor-arcpy/              Code repository for ArcGIS version (only if developing ArcGIS version).
      owf-app-geoprocessor-python/             Code repository for QGIS version (primary development environment).
      owf-app-geoprocessor-python-doc-dev/     User documentation.
      owf-app-geoprocessor-python-doc-user/    User documentation.
      owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test/        Functional tests.

For GeoProcessor (GP) folder level: see Paths Longer than 127 Characters.

Top-level folders should be manually created. Setup and run scripts in the repositories depend on the folder structure within repositories and some scripts rely on git-repos/ folder.

Developer Preferences

Software developers each have their own preferences for organizing software project and repository folders. The folder structure indicated in the previous section has some flexibility. The folder git-repos is required in some form and must contain all the repository folders used by the GeoProcessor development tools. This allows scripts and configuration to navigate files. The folder does not necessary need to be called git-repos but this is a convention that has been adopted across multiple Open Water Foundation software projects and it is used by a few scripts (e.g., build/

The folders below git-repos are defined in the repositories and cannot change because doing so would cause conflicting commits in the repository. Dynamic folders and files in the working files, such as virtual environments used to build and test the software could be named differently but this would require enhancements to the build process.

The folders above git-repos can be named according to developer preferences. The documentation describes a convention that has been implemented at the Open Water Foundation for GeoProcessor developers and is used throughout this documentation. Long paths can result in problems (see the Troubleshooting section for more information).


The folder structure generally does not have any significant issues and can accommodate the preferences of different software developers. The following are known issues (or potential issues).

Spaces in Paths

Spaces in paths can be problematic and are generally avoided in the GeoProcessor development environment. Spaces in folder and file names make it more difficult to navigate because sometimes spaces must be escaped on the command line with backslashes or surrounded in quotes.

On Windows, one place where spaces occur is in C:\Program Files, which is the installation location for standalone QGIS and other tools needed in the development environment. This folder is generally handled well without issues.

Underlying configuration information, such as environment variables, is sometimes specified with old-style 8.3 folder and filenames, presumably to deal with spaces and other issues. For example, QGIS configuration when working in the OSGeo4W installation will result in an environment variable using 8.3 convention, similar to QGIS_PREFIX_PATH=C:\OSGEO4~2\apps\qgis. Care must be taken if creating additional folders and files with similar name because the algorithm that creates 8.3 filenames may create the same name. For this reason, documentation, where needed, recommends changing the front of folders and files to force expected 8.3 naming.

Paths Longer than 127 Characters

The GeoProcessor is distributed as a virtual environment on Cygwin and Linux. Scripts within the virtual environment, and Python itself, are configured by modifying the hashbang (#!) line at the start of scripts, which tells the operating system how to run the script. See the hashbang/shebang article on Wikipedia. On Linux, there is a 127 character limit on the hashbang line. Depending on the developer's environment, this limit may be reached and the overall path to the virtual environment files will need to be shorted. One way to shorten the path is to use a shorter "product" folder. For example, shorten GeoProcessor to GP. This issue will be monitored to make sure that the recommended folder structure for GeoProcessor development environment is not an issue.

The path length issue will be discovered in specific cases. For example, running the build-util/ script on Linux will have issues because pip may not work in the newly created virtual environment. In this case, top-level folders in the development environment can be renamed (moved) with no issue as long as processes are not using those files. Scripts determine the installation folder when run. However, after renaming a folder, it may be necessary to close some windows that have been configured by a script with old paths.