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GeoProcessor / User Interface (UI) Design


This documentation explains the user interface design.

Using the UI

A basic summary of using the UI is as follows:

  1. Start the GeoProcessor user interface using an instance of GeoProcessorUI class, instantiated from the module.
  2. Use the File / Open Command File menu to open a command file.
  3. The command file will appear in the Command List, implemented using the CommandListWidget class. Each line of the command file is a unique line in the command list ui component
  4. Click the Run Commands button. The GeoProcessor instance used by the UI will run the commands.
  5. Right click on a command in the command list and select Edit Command to edit a command.

UI Design Overview

The user interface is implemented by the following classes and modules, listed in order of general to specific, with sections below to provide more details.

  1. Main UI:
    1. The GeoProcessorUI class
      • creates the main window user interface
      • controls the actions that take place on the main window
    2. The CommandListWidget class
      • is the visual component of MVC pattern that displays the list of commands
      • has an instance of GeoProcessorListModel, which is the model part of MVC pattern and has an instance of GeoProcessor
    3. The GeoProcessorCommandEditorFactory class
      • determines which instance of command editor to create from command
  2. Command Editor:
    1. The AbstractCommandEditor class
      • parent class to all command editor classes
      • creates the features of the command dialog windows that are consistent across all command dialog windows
      • controls the actions that take place consistently across all command dialog windows
    2. The GenericCommandEditor class - used for unknown commands
    3. The SimpleCommandEditor class - used for most commands
    4. The TabbedCommandEditor class - used for advanced commands with many parameters
  3. UI utility classes:
    1. The qt_util module provides useful functions for Qt

User Interface Terms

The following terms are used to describe the user interface. See images after the table.

Term Definition
Main Window The GeoProcessor's main application window. All functionality within the GeoProcessor user interface can be accessed via this window. The main window is the first window to appear when the GeoProcessor is started in ui mode.
Command Editor Window The user interface window that allows the user to create a new command or edit an existing command. There is one command editor window for each GeoProcessor command. The command editor window has input fields used to enter the values for the command parameters.
Command List UI Component A subset of the GeoProcessor main window that holds the commands of the command file. There is one line within the command list ui component for each command in the command file.


Main Window (see full-size image)


Command Editor Window (see full-size image)


Command List UI Component(see full-size image)

Package Structure

The following illustrates the organization of UI-related classes and modules.

  ui/                                      Contains all files relating to the UI. 
    app/                                   Contains all files relating to the UI main window.                 Widget to display and interact with the command list.                    The main UI.             Used to prototype initial UI components using the UI Designer software,
                                           not used in the application.                       Component that displays status as colored rectangles to the right of the command list.
    commands/                              Contains all files relating to the GeoProcessor command editors.
      abstract/                            Contains all files relating to the abstract (general) command editors.           Parent class for all command editors.            Default command editor for unknown commands.             Command editor that uses vertical parameter list.             Command editor that uses tabbed layout.
      commands/                            Specific command editors, when above general editors do not suffice.
        .../                               To be determined.
        util/                              Utility command editors.
              Simple single-line editor, such as for comment block start and stop commands.
         Editory for multi-line comments.
    core/                                  Core UI components.  Creates a command editor for a command.             A Qt QAbstractListModel to manage the list of commands.              A Qt QListView to view the list of commands.
    util/                 Class to manage a backup of the command list to detect changes.                  Class to hold command parameter information for editors.                           Qt utility functions.

Main UI

The main UI is implemented in the GeoProcessorUI, which is discussed in the next section. An instance of this class is created by the main application if run with --ui command parameter.

GeoProcessorUI Class

The class is the main application UI class, which uses Qt5 to implement the user interface. The class is a child of the QMainWindow class. The class defines many components for menus, toolbar, and components for commands and results. The main data objects are as follows:

GeoProcessorUI Data Object Description
app_session Instance of the GeoProcessorAppSession class, which maintains list of application data for the user.
geoprocessor Instance of GeoProcessor, which is used to run the commands and provide results for the UI.
gp_model Instance of GeoProcessorListModel, which manages a list of commands for the UI.
commmands_cut_buffer List of commands from cut/copy actions, which can be pasted into the command list.

Important GeoProcessorUI functions are as follows. It can be difficult to keep track of UI functions in Python and consequently changes and cleanup may occur over time. An effort is made to avoid stray functions that are not called.

Function Description
closeEvent* Called when closing the UI, prompts to save command file.
command_started, command_completed Called because GeoProcessor.add_command_processor_listener() was called to listen to process status.
copy_commands_to_clipboard, cut_commands_to_clipboard, paste_commands_from_clipboard Implement cut/copy/paste functionality.
deselect_all_commands, select_all_commands Response to deselect and select all commands menu.
edit_existing_command Edit an existing command, called when double-click on commmand or right-click Edit menu is selected.
edit_new_command Edit a new command, called when command is inserted from the Commands menu.
setup_ui* Set up various components for the UI.
show_command_status* Display CommandStatus data.
show_results* Update Results area contents.
ui_action* Respond to user actions initiated through menus and buttons.
ui_init* Initialize the user interface.
ui_set_main_window_title Set the title of the main window to indicate command file name and status.
update_ui_status* Update UI status information such as labels listing number of items, how many selected, etc.

CommandListWidget Class

The top part of the GeoProcessorUI class that displays the list of commands uses the custom CommandListWidget class. This widget is an integration of the following components:

Component                 Type                                   Description
command_ListView GeoProcessorListView List view that extends QListView, which allows using the GeoProcessorListModel, which interfaces with the GeoProcessor instance. An earlier design used a QListWidget, but this required translating commands to strings in the list, which added additional synchronization and was confusing. A limitation of QListView is that it does not seem to provide as many methods as QListWidget.
number_ListWidget QListWidget List of command numbers and icon to indicate command status, similar to Eclipse and PyCharm. The list is synchronized the command_ListView after running commands.
gutter_Frame QFrame Narrow gutter that indicates command status with a colored block, similar to Eclipse and PyCharm. The component is a simple drawing area that is repainted when command_ListView changes. A list was used initially but is not workable because for a long command file the height of each row is too small.

Using the above design helps ensure that the user interface interactions with commands uses the list of commands in the GeoProcessor.

GeoProcessorCommandEditorFactory Class

The GeoProcessorCommandEditorFactory class creates an instance of a command editor for a command. This is similar to how commands are created with GeoProcessorCommandFactory. However, whereas each command's computational functionality is implemented in a separate command, command editors share common code to limit the amount of coding that needs to be done.

The commands command_metadata['EditorType'] value is checked, and depending on value, a corresponding editor is instantiated to edit the command. Editing occurs on the string properties that correspond to the parameters in the command's (....) string.

The following table lists the editor types that are handled by the factory, which are discussed more in following sections. See also the AbstractCommandEditor, which is the parent class for all editors and provides useful utility functions.

EditorType                                               Class                                  Description
Generic GenericCommandEditor Used for unknown commands - provides simple command area display.
InsertLineEditor InsertLineEditor Used for single-line commands without parameters, such as /* and */ - provides simple non-editable command area.
InsertLineRulerEditor InsertLineRulerEditor Used for multi-line commands without parameters, currently only # - provides ruler and simple editable command area.
Simple SimpleCommandEditor Used for most commands - provides vertical list of parameter label, editable value, and description.
Table TabbedCommandEditor Not yet implemented - provides tabbed editor to group parameters, each with vertical list of parameter label, editable value, and description.

Command Editor UI

Command editors are implemented as classes that extend Qt QDialog. Command editors are modal, meaning that the editor takes over the application and must be closed before accessing the main UI again. To minimize coding, dialogs are implemented using a standard design controlled by the AbstractCommand's command_metadata and command_parameter_metadata data, which are defined in each child command's class. Child classes such as SimpleCommandEditor can rely on helper functions in the AbstractCommandEditor to insert UI components for single value, choices, file selectors, etc.

In some cases, such as InsertLineEditor and InsertLineRulerEditor (and likely other commands in the future), custom UI features must be implemented and the utility functions in AbstractCommandEditor are not used as extensively.

Each specific editor should call code similar to the following, using SimpleCommandEditor as an example:

    def __init__(self, command: AbstractCommand, app_session: GeoProcessorAppSession) -> None:

        # The following will initialize shared components in AbstractCommandEditor

        # ...other code here...

        # Setup the UI in the AbstractCommandEditor class, which will call back to setup_ui() in this class.
        # - the AbstractCommandEditor populates some UI components such as the buttons at the bottom

The AbstractCommandEditor.setup_ui_core() function will then call a number of other functions to set up editor dialog components. These functions can be overloaded in child classes if necessary. Reviewing the code for different editor types illustrates how editors are implemented.

AbstractCommandEditor Class

The AbstractCommandEditor class is the parent class to all GeoProcessor command editors. The following setup functions are called in sequence to set up the main components (areas) of the editor:

Function                                                             Description Calls                                                      
setup_ui_core Sets up all core components of any editor dialog. setup_ui_core_top, setup_ui, setup_ui_core_bottom, setup_ui_2
   setup_ui_core_top Sets up the top components: dialog title and icon, description, and documentation button. setup_ui_core_command_description
      setup_ui_core_command_description Sets up the command description from command command_metadata['Description'] data.
   setup_ui Sets up the main part of the UI - should be implemented in each editor type. For example, SimpleCommandEditor creates a vertical list of components to edit command parameters.
   setup_ui_core_bottom Sets up the bottom part of the UI: command string display area and dialog buttons. setup_ui_core_command_area, setup_ui_core_command_buttons
      setup_ui_core_command_area Sets up the read-only area to display the full command string. This function is overloaded in InsertLineRulerEditor.
      setup_ui_core_command_buttons Sets up the standard editor buttons OK and Cancel.
   setup_ui_2 Final editor setup - should be implemented in each editor type, as needed. For example, SimpleCommandEditor sets the focus on the first parameter component so the user does not need to reposition the mouse.

The following utility functions can be called to configure command editor components for parameters, which are used by the SimpleEditor and TabbedEditor:

Function                                                     Description
add_ui_horizontal_separator Adds a horizontal rule, used to separate the top description area from the rest of the UI.
setup_ui_parameter_label Add label on left side of parameter input component.
setup_ui_parameter_combobox Add a combobox to select from a list of choices for a parameter value.
setup_ui_parameter_file_selector Add a text field and ... button for file selector for parameter value.
setup_ui_parameter_text_field Add a text field for parameter value.
setup_ui_parameter_description Add informative parameter description on the right side of input component.

GenericCommandEditor Class

The GenericCommandEditor is used for unknown commands. See the code for functions that are implemented to configure the dialog.


GenericCommandEditor Example (see full-size image)

InsertLineEditor Class

The InsertLineEditor is used for one-line commands without parameters, include /*, */, and empty lines. See the code for functions that are implemented to configure the dialog.


InsertLineEditor Example (see full-size image)

InsertLineRulerEditor Class

The InsertLineRulerEditor is used for multi-line commands without parameters, currently only # commands. See the code for functions that are implemented to configure the dialog.


InsertLineRulerEditor Example (see full-size image)

SimpleCommandEditor Class

The SimpleCommandEditor is used for most commands and provides UI components to edit input parameters. See the code for functions that are implemented to configure the dialog.


SimpleCommandEditor Example (see full-size image)

TabbedCommandEditor Class

The TabbedCommandEditor is used for advanced commands with many parameters that need to be grouped. This editor type is not yet implemented.

Command Input Metadata

Command editors are configured by defining data in command classes, and configuration is shared between instances of commands.

The following properties are used in the command.parameter_metadata dictionary to configure the command editor UI, for command-level information.

Command parameter_metadata Values

Property           Description Default
Description Description of the command to display at the top of the command dialog. Can this be HTML with embedded link? Command name.
EditorTitle Title of the editor dialog. Depends on editor type.
EditorType What type of editor to use, Generic, InsertLineEditor, InsertLineRulerEditor, Simple or Tabbed (maybe make this an enumeration). Simple

The following properties are used in the command.parameter_input_metadata dictionary to configure the SimpleCommandEditor and TabbedCommandEditor for parameter-level information. The parameter property is prefixed with ParameterName. and will be replaced with the actual parameter name. The properties can be specified for each parameter for a command. The following is an example of configuring a file selector for the command's SourceFile parameter:

    __parameter_input_metadata['SourceFile.Description'] = ""
    __parameter_input_metadata['SourceFile.Label'] = 'File to remove'
    __parameter_input_metadata['SourceFile.Tooltip'] = \
        "Specify the file to remove, can use ${Property} notation."
    __parameter_input_metadata['SourceFile.Required'] = True
    __parameter_input_metadata['SourceFile.FileSelector.Type'] = "Read"

Command parameter_input_metadata Values

Parameter Property                                             Component Type(s) Description Default                
Description All The description to be shown on the right-side of the editor, will be prefixed by Required if Required=True is specified, and postfixed with the value of DefaultValue configuration property if it is specified. The first character should be lowercase. Format using the specified parts.
FileSelector.Button.Tooltip File selector Indicate the type of selector as enumeration Read, Write. Will result in ... button to browse for file or folder. Browse for file or Browse for folder.
FileSelector.SelectFolder File selector Whether the select selects a folder. False - select a file.
FileSelector.Title File selector Title of the file selector. Select file if selecting a file and Select folder if selecting a folder.
FileSelector.Type File selector Indicate the type of selector as enumeration Read, Write. Will result in ... button to browse for file or folder. The parameter does not use a file selector.
FileSelector.Filters File selector Filters for the file selector as a list of strings, for example: ["GeoJSON file (*.geojson *json)", "All files (*.*)"]. Put the default in the first position. The filters only apply to files, not folders.
FileSelector.? File selector Perhaps need a way to set the dimension of a text field or text area. Dialogs are kind of ugly when text fields span the entire width. Maybe use the concept of number of columns?
Group All The group (tab) used to group parameters, such as Input. No group used - use simple editor.
Label All The label to be shown to the left of the component. A colon will be added after the label. Parameter name.
Required All Indicate whether required: Required, Optional, or maybe something more complex. False - parameter is optional.
Tooltip All The tooltip to be shown when moused over the input component. No tooltip is shown.
Value.Default Text field, list The default data value as a string, as if the user entered into the component, to be used if no value was entered and will be shown in the parameter description. Must be specified for choice, defaults to blank for text field.
Value.Default.Description Text field, list The description for default data value, to be shown if showing Value.Default does not make sense. For example, specify GeoViewID if it will be used as the default for Name and also specify Value.Default='' (blank string). Use Value.Default if specified.
Value.DefaultForDisplay Text field, list The default to display as a string, used in input component. For example, specify an empty string to enter into a combobox.
Values List Indicate a list of values to show in choices, as an array of strings, for example: ["", "Value1", "Value2"] Values are only used for combobox.
Values.Editable List Whether the parameter is editable, as a bool True or False. An editable combobox allows text to be entered. True for text fields, False for combobox.

See the ReadGeoLayerFromGeoJSON class for an example.

Utility Modules

The UI code uses a number of utility modules as listed below, in addition to the other core/util utility modules. These utility modules will likely expand as reusable code is identified.

UI Utility Modules

Module Description
util/ Parsing commands, checking command status.
io/util/ Qt utility functions.
