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GeoProcessor / Command / OpenDataStore


The OpenDataStore command creates a generic DataStore to provide data access from:

  • a database
  • a web service

The OpenDataStore command can also be used to open an existing DataStore previously closed with the CloseDataStore command.

  • Set the DataStoreID parameter to the ID of the closed DataStore.
  • Set the IfDataStoreIDExists parameter to Open.

A new DataStore can be opened in 2 ways:

  1. Parameters configure datastore
    • the DataStore configurations (Database Dialect, Database Server, etc.) are set via command parameters
    • the DataStoreID, DatabaseServer, DatabaseDialect, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser and DatabasePassword parameters are required
    • the IfDataStoreIDExists and DatabasePort parameters are optional
  2. Configuration file configures datastore
    • the DataStore configurations (Database Dialect, Database Server, etc.) are set via a configuration file
    • the DataStoreID and ConfigFile parameters are required
    • the IfDataStoreIDExists parameter is optional

DataStore features in the GeoProcessor currently focus on relational databases that can be queried to return tabular datasets. In the future, support for web services will be added. See also the CloseDataStore command to close a DataStore.

This command can be used to control DataStore connections in a workflow. The GeoProcessor is being enhanced to open DataStores at software startup, for cases where a DataStore needs to be available for the entire software session.

For security reasons, the account name and password used for the connection should generally not be directly included in the command parameters. This is less of an issue for read-only guest accounts. To allow flexibility, use the ${env:Property} notation to specify that the parameter value is taken from an environment variable, and set the environment variable dynamically in the run-time environment.

Database DataStores are implemented using Pandas Python package Data Frame, SQLAlchemy package and appropriate database driver software.

SQLAlchemy Database Dialects

The following are the available SQLAlchemy database dialects:

DatabaseDialect Parameter Default Port Supported in the GeoProcessor?
PostgreSQL 5432 Supported
Firebird 3050 Not Supported
Microsoft SQL Server 1433 Not Supported
MySQL 3306 Not Supported
Oracle - Not Supported
SQLite - Not Supported
Sybase 5000 Not Supported

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

Need to implement UI.

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter Scope Parameter                             Description Default              
All DataStoreID
Identifier to assign to the DataStore. This allows the DataStore to be used with other commands. Can be specified using ${Property}. None - must be specified.
All IfDataStoreIDExists The action that occurs if the DataStoreID already exists within the GeoProcessor:
  • Replace - The existing DataStore within the GeoProcessor is replaced with the new DataStore. No warning is logged.
  • Open - The existing DataStore is opened if closed. No warning is logged.
  • ReplaceAndWarn - The existing DataStore within the replaced is replaced with the new DataStore. A warning is logged.
  • Warn - The new DataStore is not created. A warning is logged.
  • Fail - The new DataStore is not created. A fail message is logged.
Parameters configure datastore DatabaseServer
The database server name or IP address. Can be specified using ${Property}. None - must be specified.
Parameters configure datastore DatabaseDialect
The database dialect, used to format the database connection URL for the matching database driver software.

See the table above for a list of supported dialects.
None - must be specified.
Parameters configure datastore DatabaseName
The name of the database. Can be specified using ${Property}. None - must be specified.
Parameters configure datastore DatabaseUser
The database user. A read-only "guest" (or similar) account should be used for read-only operations, if possible. Can be specified using ${Property}. None - must be specified.
Parameters configure datastore DatabasePassword
The database password. Can be specified using ${Property}. None - must be specified.
Parameters configure datastore DatabasePort
The database port.

See the table above for the database default ports.
The default port for the DatabaseDialect.
Configuration file configures datastore ConfigFile
The path (relative or absolute) to the file containing the database configurations. None - must be specified.


The automated tests for this command have not yet been created.

Currently in development queue.

See the automated tests.


See Also