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GeoProcessor / Command / SetGeoLayerViewSingleSymbol


The SetGeoLayerViewSingleSymbol command sets the symbol information for a GeoLayerView that has been previously added to a GeoMap, using a single symbol. All features in the layer will be drawn with the same style. A GeoLayerView is an internal object that contains a GeoLayer (spatial data layer) and a GeoSymbol (visualization properties for layer). This command is typically called after the AddGeoLayerViewToGeoMap command.

  • See the CreateGeoMap documentation for guidance on creating maps.
  • See the GeoMapProject documentation for background and GeoMapProject file format specification.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.


SetGeoLayerViewSingleSymbol Command Editor (see full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                           Description Default                  
The ID of the existing GeoMap. None - must be specified.
The ID of the existing GeoLayerViewGroup. None - must be specified.
The ID of the existing GeoLayerView. None - must be specified.
Name Name of the symbol, to help with managing symbols.
Description Description of the symbol, to help with managing symbols.
Properties Properties for the symbol using syntax Property1:Value1,Property2,'Value 2'. Single quotes are used around values when the value contains special characters such as comma and spaces. See the GeoMapProject documentation a list of properties.


See the automated tests.


See Also