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GeoProcessor / Development Environment / Cygwin

Cygwin provides a Linux-like environment on Windows that can be used to run scripts in the Windows development environment (the other option being Git Bash). See the OWF / Learn Cygwin documentation for information on installing Cygwin. The following Cygwin software must be installed in order to create a Python virtual environment to test GeoProcessor software. Use the Cygwin setup utility to install software.

Cygwin Software Needed by Description
gcc-core Compiling source. Needed when pip compiles software because no binary is available.
gcc-fortran Compiling source. Needed when pip compiles software because no binary is available.
python3-devel Compiling source. Needed when pip compiles software because no binary is available (multiple components).
libffi-devel Compiling source. Needed when pip compiles software because no binary is available (for requests[security].
libpq-devel Compiling source for PostgreSQL Needed when pip compiles software because no binary is available (for PostgreSQL driver).
openssl-devel Compiling source for requests[security] Needed when pip compiles software because no binary is available (for requests[security].
python3-numpy pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-six pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-wheel pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-setuptools pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-pip pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-cython pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
gcc-g++ Compiling source. Needed because pip version was not available.
make Compiling source. Needed because pip version was not available.
wget pandas Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-pyqt5 PyQt5 Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-pyqt5-qsci PyQt5 Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-pyqt5-qt3d PyQt5 Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-pyqt5-qtchart PyQt5 Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-pyqt5-qtdatavisualization PyQt5 Needed because pip version was not available.
python3-sip PyQt5 Needed because pip version was not available.