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QGIS Install Version Experiments

Emma Giles, Steve Malers | March 2018 | Open Water Foundation

This documentation was created to record experiments with installing different versions of QGIS. This was done to evaluate transition from QGIS 2 to QGIS 3. Questions that need to be answered relevant to the GeoProcessor include:

  • Can multiple versions of QGIS be installed on a computer at the same time? Answer: Yes, with some limitations.
  • Can the GeoProcessor be run with a specific QGIS versions? Answer: Yes, by configuring the Python environment.

The following sections are included in this page. Experiments were done on a Windows 10 computer.

QGIS Versioning Overview

QGIS is distributed by 2 methods:

  • OSGEO4W suite - what most people will use to install the current version (3.0+, not stable as of March 2018), and advanced install allows installing the long-term release (2.18+, stable)
  • stand-alone installer - can be used to install specific versions, as needed

QGIS has multiple releases. Each version is defined by QGIS A.B.C where:

  • A is the MAJOR release
  • B is the MINOR release
  • C is a BUG FIX

For example, version 2.18.17 is MAJOR release 2, MINOR release 18 and BUG FIX 17.

Each minor version is also assigned a name, such as Las Palmas for version 2.18. Although the name is useful for some purposes, using the numeric version is more precise and also helps understand historical sequence corresponding to the number sequence.

OSGeo4W Suite Download of QGIS vs. Stand-alone QGIS Download

The OSGeo4W suite includes QGIS and other GIS software including GRASS, GDAL and SAGA. Additional effort is needed to fully understand which components are involved in each of the installation types described below.

QGIS can be downloaded and installed two ways:

  1. OSGeo4W suite:
    • this is the default installer that includes bundled components indicated above
    • is only available for the latest version (version 3 as of March 10, 2018, does not appear to be production-ready)
    • on Windows 64-bit, installs to C:\OSGeo4W64
      • within this folder the default is to run the latest QGIS, for example 3.0 ("qgis" will be used in folders and scripts, for example qgis.bat)
      • using the Advanced Install on the QGIS download page, can optionally install other versions such as the latest long-term release, for example 2.18 ("ltr" will be used in folders and scripts, for example qgis-ltr.bat), see below for more explanation
      • the installer will overwrite any previous contents in this folder (use stand-alone installer approach to install older versions on the same machine)
  2. "stand-alone" install:
    • includes some bundled components (unclear how many)
    • allows installing older versions
    • On Windows, installs to C:\Program Files\QGIS QGIS-Name
      • only one variant of QGIS is installed, in this case the most recent version (not like the OSGeo4W suite, see below for more explanation)
      • the installer will overwrite any previous contents in this folder considering the minor release (cannot install 2.18.1 and 2.18.2 on the same machine but can install 2.17 and 2.18)
    • QGIS is run using normal qgis.bat, etc.

The following presents more information about the OSgeo4W suite. For Windows 10, the OSGeo4W suite installer can install three variants of QGIS under the C:\Windows\OSGeo4W64 folder:

  • Latest Release:
    • Most recently released version of QGIS
    • Beware that current 3.x release is new and may not be production-ready
    • Will run from the Windows Start menu
    • Run on the command line with qgis.bat
    • GeoProcessor is currently not supported with this version
  • Long Term Release (qgis-ltr-full):
    • Most recent, stable version of QGIS (version 2.18.17 as of March 10, 2018, since version 3.0 needs more time)
    • Run on the command line with qgis-ltr.bat
    • GeoProcessor is currently supported with this version by running qgis-ltr.bat in development and deployed environments
  • Bleeding-Edge Development Build (qgis-dev-full):
    • Unstable development version of QGIS.
    • Should generally be avoided except by software developers that are contributing to QGIS or are troubleshooting

Installing the OSGeo4W suite using the Advanced Install is recommended, in order to also install the long-term release. The stand-alone installer is available for any historically released version of QGIS, but is generally not necessary unless a specific version of QGIS and the GeoProcessor is needed, such as a "frozen" version of an application.

The GeoProcessor functions when using QGIS from the OSGeo4W suite, but currently only when the Advanced Install is done and the optional long-term release is installed. This is because the GeoProcessor is currently only supported for Python 2 and the QGIS long-term release is 2.18.17 (or later), which uses Python 2.7.

The GeoProcessor also functions when using QGIS from the stand-alone QGIS installer for recent QGIS 2.x versions, because those versions use Python 2.7.

See Stack Exchange - What is OSGeo4W? link in the Resources page for more information.

How to Download Multiple Versions of QGIS on a Windows Machine

How to Download QGIS with Stand-alone Installer (without OSGeo4W Suite)
1 Access the OSGeo4W QGIS Downloads Page.
Click the All Releases tab.
Click the Older Releases of QGIS are available here link. * Note: More QGIS versions are available for download from the QGIS Downloads Page
2 Click on the .exe file of the desired version.
For this example, QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.18.10-Setup-x86_64.exe is used.
3 The installer will begin to download. When complete, navigate to the File Explorer Downloads folder. The file will be named similar to QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.18.10-1-Setup-x86.exe.
4 Right-click the file and select Run as Administrator. If you are not logged into the admin account, enter the admin credentials.
5 A window will appear that says, "Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?". Click Yes.
6 A Welcome window will appear. Click Next >.
7 A License Agreement window will appear. Click I Agree.
8 A Choose Components window will appear. Keep defaults and click Install.
9 The installation will begin. When complete, click Finish.
10 The stand-alone QGIS software will be installed under C:/Program Files/QGIS [major.minor version]. For this example, the stand-alone QGIS software is installed under C:/Program Files/QGIS 2.18.

To start QGIS Desktop [major.minor.bugFix version], open the Windows Start menu. Under the QGIS [major.minor version] folder, select QGIS Desktop [major.minor.bugFix version].

There are multiple releases of QGIS for each QGIS major.minor version. These other releases are bug fixes. These releases are indicated by a third decimal specification. For example, bug fix release 3 of QGIS version 2.18 is 2.18.3.

When a stand-alone QGIS software is downloaded, the software is kept in a folder called C:/Program Files/QGIS [major.minor version]. The installer only allows a unique major.minor folder to be installed.

If a different bug fix release of an already installed QGIS version is installed, the current QGIS software will be uninstalled and the new QGIS software (same major.minor version but different bug fix release) will replace it. This means that there cannot be more than one bug fix release of any one QGIS major.minor version installed on the same computer.

If a different major.minor version is being downloaded than the one listed under the C:/Program Files folder, the install will take place without uninstalling any QGIS software. The C:Program Files folder will then hold 2 QGIS folders.

For example, if stand-alone QGIS version 2.18.3 was installed on the computer and then the stand-alone QGIS version 2.12.2 was installed on the computer, then both the C:/Program Files QGIS 2.12 folder and the C:/Program Files QGIS 2.18 folder would exist.
How to Download Multiple Bug Fix Releases of the Same QGIS Major.Minor Version (Stand-alone Installer) - Not Possible

It is not possible, according to the findings in this investigation, to download multiple bug fix releases of the same major.minor QGIS version (installed with the stand-alone installer). For example, one cannot have version 2.18.1 and version 2.18.3 installed on one computer at the same time. However, the following step-by-step instructions remain pertinent in this documentation to memorialize the steps/logic pursued to determine this understanding.

Issue causing this task to be impossible: When downloading the second bug fix release of the same QGIS major.minor version step 5, a prompt window appears with the following message:

QGIS [major.minor version] is already installed on you system. The installed release is [currently installedbug fixversion. You are going to install a newer/older release of QGIS [major.minor version]. Press OK to uninstall QGIS [currently installed major.minor.bugFix version] and install [new major.minor.bugFix version] or Cancel to quit.

This message occurs even when the top-folder is renamed from its default name of C:Program Files/QGIS [major.minor version] to the unique name of C:Program Files/QGIS [major.minor.bugFix version].
For example, when C:Program Files/QGIS 2.18 is renamed to C:Program Files/QGIS 2.18.7.
1 Follow the How to Download QGIS with Stand-alone Installer (without OSGeo4W Suite) instructions to download a release of the QGIS version.
2 Open the C:/Program Files folder on File Explorer.
3 Rename the QGIS [major.minor version] folder to QGIS [major.minor.bugFix version].

For example, if you downloaded QGIS 2.18.1 in Step 2 of the How to Download QGIS with Stand-alone Installer (without OSGeo4W Suite) instructions, rename the folder from QGIS 2.18 to QGIS 2.18.1.
4 Install the GeoProcessor within the QGIS software by following the steps in the How to Deploy the GeoProcessor on a stand-alone QGIS version instructions. Where it says [major.minor version], make sure to include the QGIS major.minor.bugFix version.
5 Follow the How to Download QGIS with Stand-alone Installer (without OSGeo4W Suite) instructions to download a different bug fix release of the same QGIS major.minor version. Then follow steps 2-4 of this instruction table.
How to Download OSGeo4W Suite for Version 2.18.17 (Long Term Release)
1 Access the QGIS Main Download Page.
2 Click the OSGeo4W Network Installer (64 bit) link.
3 The installer will begin to download. When complete, navigate to the File Explorer Downloads folder. The file will be named something similar to osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe.
4 Right-click the file and select Run as Administrator. If you are not logged into the admin account, enter the admin credentials.
5 A window will appear that says, "Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?". Click Yes.
6 The OSGeo4W Net Release Setup Program window will appear. Select Advanced Install and then click Next >.
7 The Choose A Download Source window will appear. Select Install from Internet and then click Next >.
8 The Choose Root Install Directory window will appear. Keep defaults and click Next >.
9 The Select Local Package Directory window will appear. Keep defaults and click Next >.
10 The Select Connection Type window will appear. Keep defaults and click Next >.
11 The Choose Download Site window will appear. Select and then click Next >.
12 The Select Packages window will appear. Expand the Desktop option. Click the Skip button next to the qgis-ltr-full option. Click Next >.

By default, the QSGeo4W download will download the newest release. By selecting the Advanced Install, the Long Term Release version of QGIS can be installed rather than the Newest Release. The qgis-ltr-full selection will download the Long Term Release version of QGIS. Note that this will not always be version 2.18.17 as it is when this documentation was written. It will download the current Long Term Release version.
13 A Resolve Dependencies window will appear. Select Install these packages to meet dependencies (RECOMMENDED) Click Next >.
14 The Agreement of Restrictive Package window will appear. Scroll to the bottom of the text box. Select I agreed with above license terms. Click Next >. Another Agreement of Restrictive Package window might appear. Select the I agreed with above license terms again and then click Next >.
15 The installation will begin. When complete, click Finish.
16 The QSGeo4W suite QGIS software will be installed under C:/OSGeo4W64. To run the Long Term Release version, open the Windows Start menu. Under the OSGeo4W folder, select QGIS Desktop 2.18.17.
How to Download OSGeo4W Suite for Version 3.0.0 (Latest Release)
If you download the Latest Release version with the Express Desktop Install after installing the OSGeo4w Suite Long Term Release, both the Latest Release and the Long Term Release will be housed (and functional) under the C:/OSGeo4W64 folder.The Long Term Release startup file will be C:/OSGeo4W64/bin/qgis-ltr.bat whereas the Latest Release startup file will be C:/OSGeo4W64/bin/qgis.bat.

1 Navigate to the QGIS Main Download Page.
2 Click the OSGeo4W Network Installer (64 bit) link.
3 The installer will begin to download. When complete, navigate to the File Explorer Downloads folder. You should see a file that is named something similar to osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe.
4 Right-click the file and select Run as Administrator. If you are not logged into the admin account, enter the admin credentials.
5 A window will appear that says, "Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?". Click Yes.
6 The OSGeo4W Net Release Setup Program window will appear. Select Express Desktop Install and then click Next >.
7 The Select Packages window will appear. Keep defaults and then click Next >.
8 The installation will begin. When complete, click Finish.
9 The QSGeo4W suite QGIS software will be installed under C:/OSGeo4W64. To run the Latest Release version, double-click on the C:/OsGeo4W64/bin/qgis.bat.
10 To start QGIS Desktop 3.0.0, open the Windows Start menu. Under the OSGeo4W folder, select QGIS Desktop 3.0.0.

GeoProcessor Testing Overview

The OWF GeoProcessor is reliant on the QGIS software. The GeoProcessor testing framework has been developed to test the GeoProcessor's functionality in varied environments. It is pertinent to test the GeoProcessor functionality for different versions of QGIS. Below are some questions that need to be addressed and answered.

  • Will the OWF GeoProcessor function properly on a QGIS version that was deployed with the stand-alone installers? Or, is it required that the QGIS software is deployed from within the OSGeo4W suite? Currently the GeoProcessor has only been tested with the QGIS software in the OSGeo4W suite.
  • Which versions of QGIS are compatible with the GeoProcessor? QGIS 3.0 was recently released. What will happen if the GeoProcessor runs with QGIS 3.0? Currently the GeoProcessor has been developed for QGIS 2.18.


How to Deploy the GeoProcessor on OSGeo4W64 Suite (QGIS Long Term Release Version 2.18.17)
1 The OSGeo4W64 suite for this experiment has the Latest Release: QGIS 3.0.0 (bin/qgis.bat) and the Long Term Release: QGIS 2.18.17 (bin/qgis-ltr.bat) installed.
2 Download and extract the in the Downloads folder. Within the extracted gp-site-package folder, copy the geoprocessor folder.
3 Paste the geoprocessor folder in the C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/Python27/Lib/site-packages folder.
4 Download the gp.bat file. Copy the file and paste it to the C:/Users/[user]/Desktop folder.
5 Edit the gp.bat file. Change the QGISNAME variable in the gp.bat file from qgis to qgis-ltr.
6 Test that the geoprocessor is correctly downloaded.

Create a .gp workflow in your Desktop with one comment line.
Open the Windows Command Prompt.
Use cd to navigate to the Desktop folder.
Type gp.bat --commands []. Press Enter.
Make sure that Running OWF GeoProcessor application gp... prints to the console.

This is expected because the QGIS version 2.18.17 or older is compatible with the current version of the GeoProcessor.
How to Deploy the GeoProcessor on OSGeo4W64 Suite (QGIS Latest Release Version 3.0.0) - Causes Error
1 The OSGeo4W64 suite for this experiment has the Latest Release: QGIS 3.0.0 (bin/qgis.bat) and the Long Term Release: QGIS 2.18.17 (bin/qgis-ltr.bat) installed.
2 Download and extract the in the Downloads folder. Within the extracted gp-site-package folder, copy the geoprocessor folder.
3 Paste the geoprocessor folder in the C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/Python36/lib/site-packages folder.
4 Download the gp.bat file. Copy the file and paste it to the C:/Users/[user]/Desktop folder.
5 Edit the gp.bat file.
Replace the line
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Python27\Lib\site-packages
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Python36\lib\site-packages.
6 Test that the geoprocessor is correctly downloaded.

Create a .gp workflow in your Desktop with one comment line.
Open the Windows Command Prompt.
Use cd to navigate to the Desktop folder.
Type gp.bat --commands []. Press Enter.
Make sure that Running OWF GeoProcessor application gp... prints to the console.

This causes an error. The following message is print to the command prompt when running the gp.bat file:

from geoprocessor.commands.layers.AddGeoLayerAttribute import AddGeoLayerAttribute
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python36\lib\site-packages\geoprocessor\commands\layers\", line 11, in <module>
import geoprocessor.util.validator_util as validators
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python36\lib\site-packages\geoprocessor\util\", line 16, in <module>
import geoprocessor.util.qgis_util as qgis_util
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python36\lib\site-packages\geoprocessor\util\", line 7, in <module>
from qgis.core import QgsApplication, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem, QgsExpression, QgsFeature, QgsField
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\qgis\python\qgis\", line 71, in <module>
from qgis.PyQt import QtCore
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\qgis\python\qgis\PyQt\", line 26, in <module>
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

This is expected because the GeoProcessor code has not yet been written to work with Python 3.
How to Deploy the GeoProcessor on a Stand-alone QGIS version
1 Download and extract the in the Downloads folder. Within the extracted gp-site-package folder, copy the geoprocessor folder.
2 Paste the geoprocessor folder in the C:/Program Files/QGIS [major.minor version]/apps/Python27/Lib/site-packages folder.
3 Download the gp.bat file. Copy the file and paste it to the C:/Users/[user]/Desktop folder.
4 Edit the gp.bat file with a text editor.
Change the value of the QGIS_INSTALL_HOME variable from C:\OSGeo4W64 to C:/Program Files/QGIS [major.minor version].
Rename the file to gp-sa-[major.minor.bugFix version].
Note: sa stands for stand-alone.
5 Test that the geoprocessor is correctly downloaded.

Create a .gp workflow in your Dekstop with one comment line.
Open the Windows Command Prompt.
Use cd to navigate to the Desktop folder.
Type gp-sa-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat --commands []. Press Enter.
Make sure that Running OWF GeoProcessor application gp... prints to the console and that no warnings or errors are created.

This is expected because this step-by-step instruction table assumes that the QGIS major.minor.bugFix version is QGIS version 2.18.17 or older. The GeoProcessor has not yet been written to handle QGIS version 3.0.0 or later becasue the GeoProcessor has not compatibility with Python 3.
How to Test the GeoProcessor on a Stand-alone QGIS version
1 If you have not installed the most recent version of the GeoProcessor testing framework, start at step 2. If the most recent version of the GeoProcessor testing framework has been installed, start at step 6.
2 Create a folder named gp-test in the Desktop folder.
3 Access the owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test GitHub repository via this link.
4 Click the green Clone or download button and copy the link.
5 Open Git Bash.
Use cd to navigate to the Desktop/gp-test folder.
Type git clone [copied link from step 3]. Press Enter.
There should now be the owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test folder within the gp-test folder.
6 Edit the gp-test/owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test/test/suites/create/create-test-command-file.bat file with a text editor.
Change the value of the GP variable to point to the gp-sa-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat file.
Change the value to create-regression-test-command-file-[major.minor.bugFix version].gp.
Save the file as create-test-commmand-file-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat.
Do not overwrite the original create-test-command-file.bat file.
7 Edit the gp-test/owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test/test/suites/create/ file with a text editor.
Change the value of the OutputFile variable to "../run/geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].gp".
Save the file as create-regression-test-command-file-[major.minor.bugFix version].gp.
Do not overwrite the original
8 Edit the gp-test\owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test\test\suites\run\run-geoprocessor-tests.bat file with a text editor.
Change the value of the GP variable to point to the gp-sa-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat file.
Change the value to geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].gp.
Save the file as run-geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat.
Do not overwrite the original run-geoprocessor-tests.bat file.
9 Open the Windows Command Prompt.
Use cd to navigate to the gp-test/owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test/test/suites/create folder.
Type create-regression-test-command-file-major.minor.bugFix version].bat. Press Enter.
Use cd to navigate to the gp-test/owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test/test/suites/run folder.
Type run-geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat. Press Enter.
10 Use cd to navigate to the gp-test/owf-app-geoprocessor-python-test/test/suites/create folder.
Run the create-test-commmand-file-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat file.
Type cd ..\run. Press Enter.
Run the run-geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].bat file.

View the test results in the run\geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].gp.summary.html file and the geoprocessor-tests-[major.minor.bugFix version].gp.out.txt file.
11 Make sure that you start a new command prompt window between each test. Otherwise the PYTHONPATH variable can be set to incorrect versions causing the testing framework to break.


Fail Count
Fail Count
Test Run
Installer Type
2.16.3 14 21 DESKTOP-F5QVQ8P 3/6/2018 stand-alone
2.18.1 9 16 DESKTOP-F5QVQ8P 3/6/2018 stand-alone
2.18.10 2 9 DESKTOP-F5QVQ8P 3/6/2018 stand-alone
2.18.17 2 9 DESKTOP-F5QVQ8P 3/7/2018 OSGeo4W qgis-ltr


The GeoProcessor functions with the stand-alone QGIS downloads.
Proof The suite test results for the GeoProcessor with the stand-alone QGIS (in the Findings section) match the suite test results for the GeoProcessor with the OSGeo4W QGIS.
Why important? The GeoProcessor can be tested with any past QGIS versions/releases. One can only download a select number of releases of QGIS under the OSGeo4W suite.
Further investigation needed? Yes. How does QGIS within the OSGeo4W suite differ from the QGIS downloaded with the stand-alone installer. It could be that there are functions that are possible within the OSGeo4W suite but not possible within the stand-alone version - those functions are not determined with this tests because the GeoProcessor is still in development and may not access those functionalities yet.
The GeoProcessor fails when running with the OSGeo4W QGIS 3.0 Version
Proof An error message is thrown when running a simple test .gp workflow. Refer to the Note in the How to Deploy the GeoProcessor on OSGeo4W64 Suite (QGIS Version 3.0.0) - *Causes Error* instruction table.
Why important? Currently, when downloading the default version of OSGeo4W QGIS, the QGIS version is 3.0.0 (the latest release of QGIS is downloaded). It will be important for GeoProcessor users and testers to NOT download the most recent version of OSGeo4W QGIS. It will be pertinent that OWF changes the GeoProcessor's installation instructions to have the users download a QGIS version that is compatible with the current version of the GeoProcessor.
Further investigation needed? Yes. Is there a workaround to get the GeoProcessor to run on QGIS Version 3.0.0? If the Long Term Release is downloaded, is there a way to have the GeoProcessor access that version of the OSGeo4W QGIS? Currently the Long Term Release is a compatible QGIS version of 2.18.17.
