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GeoProcessor / Spatial Data Format Reference / Overview


This reference section of the documentation provides information about spatial data formats that are supported by the GeoProcessor, as listed below. Spatial data layers have general characteristics (CRS, attributes, etc.). However, some formats have specific characteristics that may require additional software features.

An initial goal of the GeoProcessor is to focus on formats that are widely used and can support developing useful analysis workflows and applications, including web applications. Support for additional formats will be added over time. Some commands may support additional formats due to underlying software features, such as GDAL and OGR support for many formats.

The GeoProcessor is also able to run command line software such as GDAL and OGR programs, which support many formats. See:

Vector Data

The following vector data formats are supported by the GeoProcessor and are the focus of development and testing. Underlying software such as GDAL and OGR support additional formats. See also:

  • GDAL Vector Drivers - comprehensive list of vector formats handled by OGR and GDAL software (QGIS version and corresponding GDAL version impacts support for formats)

GeoProcessor Supported Vector Data Formats

Format Name GDAL Drier Type Comment
(Esri) File Geodatabase FileGDB, OpenFileGDB Custom database Can contain complex data models.
(Esri) Shapefile ESRI Shapefile Related binary files Popular. However, use of multiple files, limit on attribute name length are limitations.
(Esri) Web Feature Service WFS Web service Allows direct access to dataset without local processing and upload.
GeoJSON GeoJSON Text file Often used for web applications because a single file with simple format.
GeoPackage GPKG Spatial database Newer format that can contain complex data models.
KML KML Text file Can be difficult to use because of mixing of data and style information.

Raster Data

The following raster data formats are supported by the GeoProcessor and are the focus of development and testing. Underlying software used by the GeoProcessor such as GDAL programs support additional formats. See also:

  • GDAL Raster Drivers - comprehensive list of raster formats handled by GDAL software (QGIS version and corresponding GDAL version impacts support for formats)

GeoProcessor Supported Raster Data Formats

Format Name GDAL Driver Type Comment
GeoTIFF GTiff Binary file Often used for web applications.
OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) WMTS Web Service Tiled images used for background map.