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InfoMapper / app-config.json Configuration File

The app-config-json file should exist in the assets/app/ folder. It is the main configuration file for the application and describes application content and behavior. Other configuration files are provided for maps.


The following is an example of an app-config.json configuration file:

  "title": "Poudre Basin Information",
  "dataUnitsPath": "/system/DATAUNIT",
  "favicon": "/img/owf-logo-favicon-32x32.ico",
  "googleAnalyticsTrackingId": "UA-123456789-1",
  "homePage": "/content-pages/",
  "version": " (2020-05-05)",
  "mainMenu": [
      "id": "BasinEntities",
      "name": "Basin Entities",
      "align": "left",
      "menus": [
          "id" : "water-districts",
          "name": "Division 1 Water Districts",
          "action": "displayMap",
          "mapProject" : "data-maps/BasinEntities/WaterDistricts/div1-water-districts.json"
          "id" : "ditches",
          "name":  "Agriculture - Ditches",
          "action": "displayMap",
          "enabled": false,
          "mapProject" : "data-maps/BasinEntities/Agriculture-Ditches/ditches.json"
      "id": "about-the-project",
      "name": "About the Project",
      "action": "contentPage",
      "align": "right",
      "markdownFile": "/content-pages/"

Application Properties

Top-level application properties are described in the following table.

app-config.json Application Properties

Property                     Type Description Default
dataUnitsPath file path Path to the data units file, which is used to specify output precision for units, and factors to allow converting between units. The format of the data units file is the same as TSTool and the TSTool system/DATAUNIT file can be used. Default output precision will be used and units conversion is not allowed.
favicon file path Path to a favicon image file to use for website, which is shown in the browser tab. Open Water Foundation favicon.
string The Google Analytics tracking identifier, to enable tracking web page traffic. No analytics.
homePage file path Path to the home page, which is shown when the application starts. This is typically /content-pages/ Markdown will be converted to html. See the Path Specification section. Blank page.
array Main menu definition - see the next section. None - must be specified.
string Title for the application, shown on the left side of the menu bar and is also used as the web page title shown in web browser tabs. None - must be specified.
string Version of the application configuration in format (2020-05-05). This is not the InfoMapper software version. None - must be specified.
========== ========= Proposed properties =============
string Google Analytics tracking identifier. Analytics are not used.

The top-level mainMenu element has the following properties. Either the menus or action property should be specified.

app-config.json Main Menu (mainMenu) Properties

Property                 Type Description Default
string Internal identifier for the main menu, will be used in the URL. See the InfoMapper Application URL Mapping section. None - must be specified.
string The text displayed for the menu. None - must be specified.
action string Indicates that selecting the main menu item will cause an action:
  • contentPage - display a content page. Specify the name of the content file using the markdownFile property.
align string The menu alignment: left or ?. Required?
enabled boolean Whether or not the menu is enabled, false (or "false") or true (or "true"). Disabled menus will be shown in grey and will not respond to user actions. true
visible boolean Whether or not the menu is visible, false (or "false") or true (or "true"). Non-visible menus will not be shown in the menu. This is useful for creating a placeholder in the configuration file. true
=========== ====== Properties for sub-menus. ============
menus array Array of menus. See the next section.
=========== ====== Properties for action=contentPage. ============
markdownFile file path Used with action that is a contentPage. Path to a Markdown file to display on a content page. See Path Specification section.

Menu properties define actions that will occur when a menu item is selected. Define each menu as an item in the menus array (see previous section).

app-config.json Menu (menu) Properties

Property                   Type Description Default
string The text displayed for the menu item. None - must be specified.
string The action to take when the menu item is clicked.
  • contentPage - display a content page containing text, images, links, etc, using an internal HTML viewer
  • externalLink - link to another web page
  • mapProject - display a map

See below for properties based on the action.
None - must be specified.
enabled boolean Whether or not the menu is enabled, false (or "false") or true (or "true") . Disabled menus will be shown in grey and will not respond to user actions. true
doubleSeparatorBefore boolean Whether or not double separator lines (2 lines) should be drawn above the menu item to group menu items, false (or "false") or true (or "true"). This is used to separate groups of menu items and single separators can be used as needed. false
separatorBefore boolean Whether or not a separator line should be drawn above the menu item to group menu items, false (or "false") or true (or "true") . false
visible boolean Whether or not the menu is visible, false (or "false") or true (or "true"). Non-visible menus will not be shown in the menu. This is useful for creating a placeholder in the configuration file. true
=========== ====== Properties if action=contentPage. ============
markdownFile file path Used with action that is a contentPage. Path to a Markdown file to display on a content page. See Path Specification section.
=========== ====== Properties if action=externalLink. ============
url URL URL of page to link to. A new web browser tab will be opened so that the current state of the InfoMapper is not lost. See Path Specification section.
=========== ====== Properties if action=mapProject. ============
mapProject file path Path to a GeoMapProject JSON file to display. Currently, only GeoMapProject with projectType=SingleMap (one map in the project) is supported. See the Path Specification section.

Path Specification

The InfoMapper configuration file, GeoMapProject configuration files, and other data use paths to indicate the location of files. Each configuration property that is a file path adheres to the following behavior.

  • the folder for each configuration file is used as the folder for relative paths:
    • the application configuration file exists in the root folder of the application (assets/app), which is considered the top-level (root) for absolute paths, and relative paths in the application configuration file will be appended to the application folder
    • map configuration files exist in a map data folder folder (e.g., assets/app/data-maps/some-folder), and relative paths in the map configuration file will be appended to the map folder
  • each file path encountered in a configuration file supports the following:
    • filename - full path will be the path to the configuration file appended with /filename
    • /filename - full path will be the path to the application folder appended with /filename
    • URL - URL to file using http or https protocol, which allows retrieving the file from a remote server

URLs are most often used when retrieving a data layer from a remote machine, perhaps with attributes that are updated on a regular frequency. It may be possible to provide the application configuration or other data files via URLs. Combinations of higher-level file path specified as a URL and lower-level file path specified as a non-URL may be supported in the future, in order to support a URL+relative path data model. Currently each URL must be specified with full path. The use of URLs in GeoMapProject configuration files must be coordinated with GeoProcessor command files that create map configuration files.

Path Example for Local Files

For example, consider the following InfoMapper data files organization, where maps are organized consistent with InfoMapper menus:


The path the map1-config.json map configuration file can be specified in the application configuration file (app-config.json) in either of the following ways because the application configuration file folder is the same as the application root folder:

  • /data-maps/TopMenu/SubMenu/map1-config.json
  • data-maps/TopMenu/SubMenu/map1-config.json

If in a map configuration file, the path to a default image for map marker (default-image1.png) can be specified as:

  • /img/defult-image.json
  • ../../../img/default-image.json

The latter notation is typically only useful when traversing a small number of parent folders.

Path Example for Remote Files

Need to add an example with URLs to specify data file location.

Property Modifiers

Properties may be recognized in configuration files using the ${property} notation, which replaces the ${property} string with the value of the matched property. In some cases "property modifiers" are also supported, which modify the property value. For example, modifiers may be needed to modify string properties to allow cross-referencing data, such as matching a layer attribute with database column or time series identifier. The following modifiers are available and can be chained using the following notation, in this example to convert a string like RIO GRANDE to RioGrande.

   ${property}.toMixedCase().replace(' ','')

Property Modifiers

Modifier                                               Description
replace('string1','string2') Replace the first string with the second.
toMixedCase() Convert a string to Mixed Case, where all characters are lowercase except for the upper case first character of each word. Words are separated by whitespace.

InfoMapper Application URL Mapping

The InfoMapper uses internal "routing" to map URLs shown in the browser with content shown in the application. The content defined in the application and map configuration files must be aligned with the URLs used in the application. The following examples illustrate how URLs are mapped to internal application data.

The hash character (#) in the URL is an indicator to the InfoMapper that he following part of the URL should be interpreted internally.

InfoMapper Application URL Mapping

InfoMapper URL                                                       Descripton
http://someserver/someapp/ Load the application and display the home page.
http://someserver/someapp/#/ Load the application and display the home page.
Display a map with menu id property value current-streamflow. All menu items with action of displayMap are listed under map/ in the InfoMapper URL.
Same as above, with additional parameters to configure the map display.
Display a content page for application property homePage.
Display a content page with menu id property value about. All menu items with action of contentPage are listed under content-page/ in the InfoMapper URL.