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TSTool / Install AWS Plugin

This appendix describes how to install the AWS Plugin.


TSTool is used with AWS to automate file uploads and downloads. The TSTool AWS plugin is developed and tested on Windows but can also be installed on Linux.

Install TSTool

TSTool must be installed before installing the AWS plugin. Typically the latest stable release should be used, although a development version can be installed in order to use new features. Multiple versions of TSTool can be installed at the same time.

  1. Download TSTool:
  2. Run the installer and accept defaults.
  3. Run TSTool once by using the Start / CDSS / TSTool-Version menu on Windows (or run the tstool program on Linux). This will automatically create folders needed to install the plugin.

Install and Configure the TSTool AWS Plugin

TSTool must have been previously installed and run at least once.

  1. Download the tstool-aws-plugin software installer file from the TSTool AWS Download page. For example with a name similar to
  2. If installing the plugin in user files and if TSTool was not run before, run TSTool once to automatically create user folders and files needed by the plugin.
  3. The plugin installation folder is as follows, where C:\Users\user should match the specific user's folder:
    1. If installing in user files (NN is the TSTool major version):
      • Windows: C:\Users\user\.tstool\NN\plugins\
      • Linux (~ indicates the user's home folder): ~/.tstool/NN/plugins/
    2. If installing in system files on Linux (opt), install in the following folder:
      • Linux: /opt/tstool-version/plugins/
  4. If an old version of the plugin was previous installed:
    1. Delete the old jar file or move to the plugins-old/ folder (same level as the plugins folder) to archive. Only one copy of the plugin jar file can be found in the plugins folder to avoid software conflicts.
    2. Similarly, the contents of the dep/ folder should be deleted or moved before installing the plugin. These files are required by the AWS plugin software and multiple versions of the files will confuse the plugin software.
  5. Copy the owf-tstool-aws-plugin folder from the zip file to the following folder:
    1. If installing in user files (NN is the TSTool major version):
      • Windows: C:\Users\user\.tstool\NN\plugins\
      • Linux (~ indicates the user's home folder): ~/.tstool/NN/plugins/
    2. If installing in system files on Linux (opt), install in the following folder:
      • Linux: /opt/tstool-version/plugins/
  6. Restart TSTool and test the commands. Try a simple command like using the AwsS3 command to list S3 buckets.
  7. Troubleshooting:
    1. If the AWS plugin features are not functioning properly, it may be due to conflicting jar files. The Commands(Plugin) menu will usually contain duplicate menus if multiple jar files with different versions are found in the plugins folder.
    2. See the Troubleshooting documentation.

After installing, the plugin software folders should be similar to the following, where C:\Users\user is the specific user's folder.

    *.jar (many files)